Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Naked Communist - Grinding Down America

One of the most vivid and scary memories I have as it relates to communism and its plan to take down America is that of the Communist leader pounding his shoe on a desk saying that he didn't need to go to war... he would simply infiltrate America from within and watch it fall.
Well, it seems that his words have rung true.  American society has slid so far that it is almost scary to wake up in the morning.  Our values have gone down, our morals have disappeared, it is okay to divorce, lie, cheat and steel.  What's next... oh yes, I remember... take God out of the class room and documents.
Well here we sit at the junction of yet another election.  What will we as a society chose to do this time?

You did watch the video on Grinding Down America, right?  No?  Well click this link and do so now.  It is a real eye-opener that you must watch if you care anything at all about our precious country and the direction it is headed.

How To Get Your Federal Firearms License

Most people believe that there is just one type of firearms license available.  That isn't true.  In fact there are several and choosing the right one to apply for is vital.   Now there's a program available that guides you through your selection so you get it right the first time.  Not only will it help you select the correct license it also walks you through the ATF interview process so you never have any problems.
Take a look today at this great program How To Get Your Federal Firearms License.
Do it right the first time and you won't have any worries in the future.
P.S.  Having your own license means that you can get wholesale deals from all of the most popular firearms and firearm supply manufacturers.  That alone is worth the cost of this program.
for your information.  Do it today.  Watch the short introductory video and then take action. Stop paying retail for your weapons and supplies.  Get your Federal Firearms License today.

Here's the LINK again. Take a close look at this valuable information.

Bond Arms USA Derringer

A few postings back I recommended that you have on your person a second weapon at all times.  In that posting I told you about the American Derringer.  Well, there's a new offering now available and it is from Bond Arms USA.  It's a two-shot derringer with 22 different calibers available.  The most popular caliber is the 45 long colt/410 shotgun combination.
If you'd like to watch a short video which explains and demonstrates just how lethal this little gem is just go to this link.  You'll see what I'm talking about.  It's a special edition run so there aren't many available but for the price you can't beat it as a second carry weapon.

Click THIS LINK now for the video.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gun Control... What Happens When Guns Are Removed From Society

Crime control or defense control, that is the question. Great Britain has, for all practical purposes, outlawed the private possession of firearms. Since the initiation of the prohibition, crime rates have soared and there are individuals in prison as a result of defending their homes with deadly force. Now British politicians have taken a next step which American gun-control groups have uniformly promised to be an absurdity – knife control. The government recently granted a five week knife amnesty period. During that time, even paring knives were turned in for disposal.

Such foreign antics should activate alarms for Americans as we watch our own anti-gun (ultimately anti-self-defense) politicians, activists and media expose their foreign-style philosophies and goals. As they ply their wares to the public and demonstrate a profound mistrust of ordinary law-abiding citizens, they also propagate firearm myths.

Guns in homes do not cause increased danger. The vast majority of both harmful and beneficial firearm incidents occur outside of homes and only eight percent of them by significantly related persons. There are six times more defensive gun uses (DGU’s) in the U.S. than there are aggressive uses. Of these DGU’s, the risk of death to the defender (where there is no criminal background) is three quarters of one-thousandth of one percent. Twelve out of thirteen suicides studies found that gun availability does not affect numbers of suicides. At school, firearm deaths are around thirty per year but two thousand youth are killed by their own parents and care-givers each year. In 1997, in Britain, there was a forty-four percent burglary rate compared to thirteen percent in America. Twenty-five times more youth are killed in automobile accidents then by firearms as well as six times more by drowning, four times more by fires and thirty-five times more by other causes.

Competing statistics do not take into account drug and alcohol involvement, criminal histories, gang involvement, sacio-economic status, percent of suicides, or whether the gun used was owned or kept by the home owner. A more effective way to control deaths and injuries would be to outlaw fire, swimming, cars, caregivers, and parents.

Abuse of the Constitution through Clintonian parsing of words and free-handed revision of history is a worse threat to Americans than guns. In spite of authoritative testimony from the likes of Madison, Adams, Jefferson and Henry or instruction from experts such as Tucker, Rawle, Story and Coxe, revisionists try to make Second Amendment words “keep” mean “store in a government armory” instead of “own” and “bear” to mean “use in the military” instead of “carry”. In order to accomplish their goals they are willing to turn the English language on its head thereby using the text against itself.

Civil liberty is at stake also. The fourth Amendment forbids search and seizure without probable cause. But the only way to enforce ownership prohibition is house-to-house searches or seizures conducted in completely unrelated law enforcement activities. Already, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is able to ignore probable cause or lack of criminal intent when enforcing The Gun Control Act of 1968. If the text of the Second Amendment can be so maligned, which other liberties will follow?
**This article is reprinted with permission from an original article from

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ruger SR9C Video Review... Details, Details

Here's an in-depth look at the Ruger SR9C (compact).  Sort of a long video but worth watching if you're considering a purchase of this great little concealed weapon.

CLICK HEREfor the video.

Ruger SR9 Compact Review Video Part 1 & 2

If you're looking for a great conceal carry weapon in either 9mm or 40 cal. this is the one I would recommend.  Watch this video to see what I'm talking about.
Part 1

Part 2 is HERE:

Scope Your Glock For The Ultimate Shooting Experience

My little Glock 26 shoots great and I never have any problems with it.  However, from a distance, it can be somewhat less than perfect in the accuracy range... probably my fault and not that of the weapon.  that being said however I have found a scope mount for the Glock that fits perfectly and does exactly what it is supposed to do... make me look like a great shooter!  What more could I ask for?
Take a look and see what I'm talking about.

The New NANO Has Arrived... It's Awesome Pocket Power

When you need to conceal your weapon but what you have is just too big then this great little powerhouse is just the ticket.
It's compact, powerful and snag-free from the pocket.  Take a close look at it and you'll see why I'm recommending it today.
Beretta NANO

The New Beretta NANO's primary mission is concealed carry. It's smooth, snag free profile makes it easy to holster, easy to carry and easy to draw. No awkward levers or switches to get caught or hung up on. Caliber: 9mm Model #: JMN9S15 OAL: 5.63" OAW:.90" Barrel Length: 3.07" Sight Radius: 4.92" Sights: 3-Dot Low Profile Internal Frame Chassis: Stainless Steel Grip Frame: Technopolymer Slide Material: 4140 Slide Finish: Black Nitride Capacity: 6+1 Rounds Weight(empty): 17.67oz FEATURES: Coaings: Slide & Barrel Finish is Black Nitride, Internal Chassis is Stainless Steel & major springs are zinc plated. ( Ambi) Reversible magazine release Sights can be adjusted, removed, replaced in seconds with a 1.3mm hex wrench The S.S. chassis carries the serial #, the technopolymer grip fram can be easily removed for cleaning or to be replaced by a different grip fame Polished Stainless Steel magazines w/ polymer floorplate Striker Deactivator allows for quick and easy disassembly without having to pull the trigger.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

7 Things You Must Know Before Leaving Your House With Your Weapon

When you are forced to act in self defense, there are a thousand things that are going to be going through your head.

The problem is, you can't think with that much on your mind... and you sure as heck can't make a smart decision about when to draw and fire your weapon.

I have for you a free PDF file that explains the 7 most important things that you MUST know before you leave your home with your concealed weapon.

For your copy just e-mail me at the following address and I'll get it right out to you.

Read it today and save yourself a whole lot of trouble in the future.

Contact me by simply clicking HERE.  Request your copy today.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Black Ops Game Is Awesome

Sometimes you just have to step away from real life and play a game.  This is one of the best ones I've found to entertain myself in the little bit of downtime I have each day.  Take a look and then click on the link below the video for everything you need to know about beating the game with all the intel etc. you need.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Crossbows As Your Alternative Defense Weapon

The Crossbow: An Alternative Weapon for the Modern Day

A crossbow, resembling something between a rifle and a bow, uses a fast string to launch projectiles—just as a bow does—but also has a stock and trigger like a rifle. Although we don’t know exactly when the crossbow was invented, they were discovered in Chinese graves dating back as early as 2500 B.C. The crossbow was also used by the Greeks in 5th century B.C.  The Greeks realized that there was a definite advantage to the crossbow over a traditional bow and this discovery revolutionized their success on the battlefield. The crossbow became the weapon of choice because of its versatility and accuracy.
Although the first crossbow doesn’t look anything like what they do now, early crossbows were constructed in much the same manner; primarily, they were bows mounted across wooden tillers or stocks. When the crossbow was fired, an arrow or bolt moved down a channel in the tiller/stock. Later, devices were built in to make it easier to draw the string back. One common device was called a stirrup and it was built on the front of the crossbow. This allowed the archer to brace the crossbow with a foot and draw the string with both hands. Some men used hooks attached to their belts.
The design of the modern crossbow has many improvements over the earlier design. Earlier crossbows were simple pieces of wood with ends that were connected by a bowstring. Modern bows have more effective shapes and are constructed out of better materials. As a result, they are much more accurate and far more powerful.
Crossbows versus Traditional Bows
Ordinary bows require a great deal of physical strength and training, where crossbows do not. With a traditional bow, the archer must draw, aim, and shoot in rapid succession. The longer it takes to aim, the more tired the archer’s arm becomes, which lessens his accuracy. If one uses a crossbow instead, he can draw the string, cock the crossbow, and then leave it cocked until the archer is ready to fire.
Another benefit to the crossbow takes the archer’s stature into consideration. If an archer is short in stature, it may be difficult for him to use a long bow and the crossbow then becomes a better option. If the archer doesn’t have a lot of upper body strength, drawing back a traditional bow can be difficult. Unlike a traditional bow, the archer’s size and upper body strength doesn’t come into play quite as much with regards to the crossbow. With a crossbow, an archer can use his thigh and buttock muscles (the body’s strongest muscle groups) to cock the crossbow. There are also tools available, like levers or cranks, available to him to increase his ability in this area. So basically, a crossbowman is able to use a more powerful weapon than a traditional archer with the same amount of physical strength.
How a Crossbow Works
Modern crossbows are usually made from very strong, lightweight materials like various woods, plastics, and even bone. They also have accessories such as adjustable stocks, scopes, and other attachments to make the use of the crossbow more efficient. Yet, they are still basically a bow and arrow that is operated by spring action. What happens when you draw a bow is that you pull one end of a spring and it stores elastic potential energy until you let go of it. Its potential energy becomes energy movement, which allows the spring to snap back to its original shape. The movement and energy of the spring action propels the arrow from the bow at a high rate of speed.
The amount of energy a bow can hold is called the draw weight. It is the amount of physical force required to draw the bow. A bow’s draw weight increases as the distance you pull the string back increases. The overall strength of a bow depends on how hard it is for an archer to pull the string back as well as how far back it can be pulled. Manufacturers call this bow energy, which is measured in foot-pounds, and arrow velocity, which is measured in feet per second.
There are several factors that affect a bow’s length and draw weight, and that will change the velocity an arrow will travel including its size, shape, and composition. As a result a simple short bow will not be as powerful as a simple long bow. Larger crossbows that a crossbowman aims from the shoulder are more powerful than smaller, handheld crossbows. Because some crossbows can have an arrow speed of 292 feet per second or more, it is absolutely critical that you know how to safely handle your crossbow.
Handling Your Crossbow Safely
The crossbow is a lethal weapon and it is important to follow assembly instructions provided with your crossbow. The crossbow is a weapon designed primarily for hunting large game, so it is fast, powerful, and it produces high energy. Therefore, care must be taken to handle a crossbow safely. Here are some safety tips:
  1. Before using your crossbow, examine it for worn cables and strings, missing strings, and loose or damaged parts. Never use your crossbow unless it is in top condition.
  2. The forehand grip on a crossbow is positioned to keep your thumb and fingers from getting injured. Never hold the forehand grip in a position where your thumb extends above the flight deck in the way of the strings. Always keep your fingers on the forehand grip above the flight deck so they don’t interfere with the string. Never have your hands or fingers positioned on the forehand grip where they are in front of the cable or string.
  3. Don’t cock your bow until you are ready to use it.
  4. Use the proper arrow for the model of crossbow you possess.
  5. Grip firmly when you cock your crossbow, otherwise the string can slip and cause serious injury.
  6. Never point at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
  7. When pointing at a target, make sure people are standing well behind you.
  8. Never release the trigger safety until you are aiming at your target. Crossbows have an automatic safety that engages as soon as you cock the bow. Some have a separate manual safety that you can engage yourself. Either way, the safety will keep you from firing the bow accidentally. However, once you release the safety, be sure your target is in sight.
  9. Never walk or hike with an arrow loaded in your crossbow.
  10. It is not safe to manually unload a crossbow. So if you don’t take a shot, carry old arrows with a field tip and fire it into a bale of hay or some other inert object to discharge the arrow.
  11. Never dry fire your crossbow or use it with bolts lighter than those it’s made to use. Choose bolts that correspond to the size and weight of the bolt your model of crossbow fires. Using a light bolt with a very strong crossbow can cause the bolt to fly erratically and can damage the bow and cause injuries to you or others.
Today crossbows are popular weapons amongst recreationists and big games hunters alike. They recreationally, can be a great deal of fun for both amateurs and pros.  But before using a crossbow, be sure to research the laws in your state, because laws governing crossbow use vary widely from state to state. Some laws allow only disabled hunters to use crossbows, while others allow anyone to use a crossbow. So know the laws, understand that this is a lethal weapon, and if you decide to buy a crossbow, learn how to handle it safely to avoid unnecessary injuries.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

SAIGA Shotguns NEW Semi-Auto 12 gauge available now

Saiga is now offering a limited edition 12-gauge semi-auto shotgun.  They are hot right now and going fast.  If you or anyone else you know might be interested in a high-quality versatile shotgun it would be worth your time to take a look at what is being offered in this excellent package.  Don't wait though.  They won't last long.

Here's the LINK to Saiga.  Go there now.

USSG Saiga 12 Semi-Auto S
USSG Saiga 12 Semi-Auto S

USSG inc. Rifles/Shotguns

USSG Saiga 12 Semi-Auto Shotgun, 170250, Blue, 12 Ga, 3" Chamber, 5 Rd Polymer Box Magazine, Synthetic Stock, Rotating Bolt/Gas Operated, AK Side Scope Rail, Screw Chokes

Product ID: 528642
UPC: 741566902086
MFG ID: 170250

Ruger LCP and KelTec 380 Laser Sights Review

It isn't always necessary to have a laser site on your handgun but it never hurts.  Now you can have total control of most any self-defense situation with the addition of these great laser sites that you can install easily and quickly on your Ruger LCP or KelTec 380.  Here's a short video that shows you how.