Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Naked Communist - Grinding Down America

One of the most vivid and scary memories I have as it relates to communism and its plan to take down America is that of the Communist leader pounding his shoe on a desk saying that he didn't need to go to war... he would simply infiltrate America from within and watch it fall.
Well, it seems that his words have rung true.  American society has slid so far that it is almost scary to wake up in the morning.  Our values have gone down, our morals have disappeared, it is okay to divorce, lie, cheat and steel.  What's next... oh yes, I remember... take God out of the class room and documents.
Well here we sit at the junction of yet another election.  What will we as a society chose to do this time?

You did watch the video on Grinding Down America, right?  No?  Well click this link and do so now.  It is a real eye-opener that you must watch if you care anything at all about our precious country and the direction it is headed.

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