Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization Of Childhood

Even our kids are subject to influences beyond our control as parents.  Corporations depend on the "nag factor" to help kids sell their products.  HERE is a video (full-length) that will help you understand where we, as Americans, stand in the big business-type society.  Scary for sure.
The solution?  Well perhaps it is time to turn off the television or, at the very least, watch it with them to be able to explain what is going on and what is influencing them while they watch.

 Consuming Kids throws desperately needed light on the practices of a relentless multi-billion dollar marketing machine that now sells kids and their parents everything from junk food and violent video games to bogus educational products and the family car. Drawing on the insights of health care professionals, children's advocates, and industry insiders, the film focuses on the explosive growth of child marketing in the wake of deregulation, showing how youth marketers have used the latest advances in psychology, anthropology, and neuroscience to transform American children into one of the most powerful and profitable consumer demographics in the world. Consuming Kids pushes back against the wholesale commercialization of childhood, raising urgent questions about the ethics of children's marketing and its impact on the health and well-being of kids.

Battlefield: America - Have the Terrorists Won?

 Nov 29, 2011 - Sen. Rand Paul, (R-Ky.), explains why he is fighting to stop a bill that would codify the detention of American citizens indefinitely by the U.S. Military.

HERE is a video that is a must-watch if you value your freedom as an American Citizen.
Watch It Now!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Little Boy Heroically Shoots, Mutilates Burglar

Knee capped and regretting ever having gone into this house!

Armed 11 year old Girl Defends Home from 3 armed Burglars: Armed Citizen

Makes you want to say "YES!"
Don't be mistaken. Kids can learn to protect themselves.

The Security Mirage

The Security Mirage is exactly that.  Watch this video to understand what I mean.  It's only 21 minutes long and well worth watching.

Now, do you feel safe or are you really safe?  That my friends is the question.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Reviews, Questions and Comments from Facebook

  • Tom Fuller
    December 3

    • Tim, what are your thoughts on a concealed carry gun for a woman?

  • December 3
    • I think that unless they have some experience in shooting a handgun they should begin by carrying a small or mid-sized revolver. Once they are comfortable with it then move up to a double-action only semi-auto as it is most like the action of the revolver.
      Caliber is also a concern. 38 or 9mm would be my choice as the recoil is less than a large bore handgun and will prevent flinching when shooting.
      Size of the weapon carried should also be considered with the size of the hand. Some weapons are just too big for the female hand. Most now however have replaceable backstraps (semi-auto only) that can solve that problem.
      Ruger, Taurus or Smith and Wesson would be my recommendations.
      If you'd like to just start out with an easy to operate semi-auto I would strongly recommend the Ruger Sr9c. It is what I carry and it is a wonderfully easy to use, light recoil and very very accurate weapon.
      Consider also the importance of the holster and remember this: Don't buy a cheap holster. It will only frustrate you, cost you more in the future as you upgrade and you simply won't carry if it isn't comfortable. If you have a CCW then use it! That's why you got the permit. Not to leave it on the nightstand. Better to have it with you and not need it than to not have it and find that you need it.

  • December 3
    Tom F
    • It looked like a very good site and I'll dig into it a bit more. I don't plan on skimping on the holster, it it doesn't let her carry easily then it isn't doing her any good.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Concealed Weapons Permits in Arizona

Arizona recently passed the "Constitutional Carry Bill," a law allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons in public without a permit. It would seem that there is now no reason to get a permit, right? Wrong. In reality, there are many benefits to obtaining a permit. In this article I will describe the process to get a concealed weapons permit, and in the next article I'll describe the benefits to having a permit versus not having one.

First, to get a concealed weapons permit in Arizona you must meet a few basic qualifications. You may not be a felon, must be over the age of 21, not be deemed mentally infirm by the court, and you must not have a domestic abuse conviction (misdemeanor or not). You must complete a training course, ran by a private school, which lasts at least eight hours and covers a specific curriculum provided by the state. Next, an applicant must have their fingerprints documented by someone licensed by the state. They will submit proof of training and identification and their fingerprint cards to the Department of Public Safety along with a $60 application fee. As Arizona is a "shall issue" state, as long as all their ducks are in a row the permit will be issued and mailed out quickly. Turnaround is generally 2-4 weeks from door to door.

The courses cover a variety of topics. The first few hours are spent on nomenclature and definitions, the basics of understanding a handgun and how it works. Many courses will explain the pros and cons of each type of weapon, for example automatics versus revolvers. As there are also many different methods of carrying a concealed weapon, classes will review this as well and analyze which solutions work best for which situations.

Another important section to be reviewed is the weapons safety rules. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded, never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to destroy, keep your weapon on safe (if applicable) and your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire, know your target and what lies beyond it, and maintain control of you firearm are the five modern weapons safety rules.

After the safety brief, there will be a mandatory qualification exercise. Every student in the class will have to fire ten rounds at a short distance at a man-shaped target. They must strike the target with a high percentage. It is generally impossible to fail this test due to marksmanship as it is at a very close range, this is effectively just a test of basic understanding of the weapon.

The next few hours are spent on the legalities of concealed weapons carry and self defense. There are many legal intricacies which determine where you may and may not carry a weapon, and general guidelines for what you should do if you have to use a weapon in defense of yourself or another.

In my next article, I'll explain the benefits to having a concealed weapons permit versus relying on the "Constitutional Carry Law" recently enacted.

Cias Hart is a veteran and resident of Arizona. If you have been charged with a crime relating to carry a concealed weapon, contact a criminal attorney in Phoenix immediately. A criminal lawyer in Phoenix can represent your interests in court and ensure that you are not charged falsely due to the intricacies of concealed weapons carry in the state of Arizona.

Knife Carrying Laws in Florida

Knife carrying laws were passed by the Florida Legislature in the year 1987. The form of the law is similar to that in other states. This law made it mandatory for the authorities to issue license for carrying knife or any kind of concealed weapon in order to avoid and reduce any kind of criminal acts.

Definition of a Weapon

According to section 790.001 of the state code of Florida, a 'weapon' is defined as any metallic knife, knuckles, dirk, tear gas gun, billie, slung shot, any chemical weapon, any weapon other than a common pocket knife or a firearm. Carrying any such weapon in open or concealed from others without a license is against the law. Carrying a concealed weapon or an electric weapon is a first degree offense while carrying a firearm is a third degree offense. However, if a person has a license of carrying such a weapon then the act is not a punishable crime in the eye of the law.

Carrying Weapons of Self Defence

There are certain weapons that have been categorised as weapon of self defence. Carrying any such weapon is not unlawful. It includes chemical sprays, non-lethal stun gun, remote stun gun and other non-lethal electric weapons. All of these weapons have been designed for the purpose of self-defence and hence pose no threat to the law and order situation. Thus a citizen can carry them without any license.

Getting License for Carrying Concealed Weapon or Firearm

A person who wants to carry a concealed weapon in Florida without being convicted needs to get proper license from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer services. This law falls under 'shall issue' laws and the issuing authority is bound by the regulations of the statutes for issuing them.

Carrying a concealed weapon with a license

With this license, a person can carry a concealed weapon like a knife or billie, handgun, tear gas gun or an electronic weapon anywhere in the state. This, however, does not include carrying a machine gun. Any of these concealed weapons cannot be carried to a school property or a school event and the citizen can be convicted for it. This license is valid for 5 years only and needs to be renewed afterward.

A person who shows any of these licensed weapons in a rude, angry or attacking manner can be convicted with the first degree criminal offense. Also carrying a licensed weapon open is also a punishable crime. Hence even if a person has a license, one needs to be careful of the rules and regulations for carrying them.

Rama Purushottam is a versatile writer. She has written articles on a variety of topics. To read more from the writer, visit

Friday, December 16, 2011

Stock up, Load up and Be Prepared

A Part-time air guardsman works as a checker at local Von's.  Two women in full burkas buy every pre-paid cellphone in the store.  Clerk/airman gets to thinking about it.  Goes to Cotter and reports incident.  Cotter asks store for surveillance video.  It's scary enough that he contacts Fresno FBI.
FBI investigates and determines these women have been doing this all over the Valley.  Cell phones shipped through Canada to Iraq/Afghanistan where they become triggers for roadside bombs.
The Shell station at Peach and Shaw.  Every time a local GI goes there in fatigues they are asked specific questions.  What is your unit?  When are you deploying?  How many aircraft are you taking?
The F-16s out of Fresno fly CAP for west coast.  As such they are the first line of defense so they have the US 's most sophisticated air-to-air missiles.  Foreign
governments would like to get their hands on those missiles or at least learn how to build them.  Also how many we have, etc.  Two spy groups are working on it, one based at Fashion Fair Mall (the F-16s take-off pattern) and one based at Sierra Vista Mall (the F-16s landing pattern).
Cotter said the ragheads (But we don't profile.) are always probing the base.  Two dorks in a pickup show up at the front gate wanting to deliver a package marked Air National Guard, Fresno .  No postage, no UPS, no FedEx, no DHL, no nothing.  Just a probe.
I asked Cotter why we haven't seen anything about this in The Bee, on KMJ, on local TV news.  He said they're not interested.  Since Friday I've learned of two other things.  My brother-in-law Frank, (management at Avaya) had a Muslim tech who took a leave-of-absence for 6 weeks in Afghanistan .  After the 6 weeks were up he called from New York requesting an
extension.  Frank (who does profile) said, you're fired, and called the Fresno FBI who were very interested.  Don't know the outcome.
A Muslim who owns a liquor store in my former hometown of Kingsburg was constantly bugging customers to buy guns for him.  Finally one of the guys I grew up with called the FBI.
We are a country at war and the enemy is among us.  I don't care what Janet Napolitano says, it's a fight to the death and we should be prepared as possible.  Brother-in-law Frank has a theory and I think it may be closer to the truth than Homeland Security wants to admit.  There are a certain number (probably a large number) of Muslims among us who are awaiting the trigger date and will begin randomly killing as many of us as they can, sort of a Fort Hood on steroids.  I know I'm getting prepared to shoot back.
Two items of interest: Sheriff Margaret Mims wants to grant concealed carry
permits to all who are qualified.  Columnist Jim Boren, among the most bleeding of the bleeding heart liberals, says it's time for Fresno residents to arm themselves.  LOAD up, you can bet this is happening in places other than Fresno. ~ David Rayburn
P.S.: I was asked to send this to everyone in my address book.  Some of those I'm sending it to WILL NOT!  To those I say, "Get you head out of the sand and look around with an open mind or before you know it we will no longer be living in the land of the free and the brave!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

When The Food Bubble Bursts What Will You Do? Free Report

In time the world is going to face a very real crisis and nobody... and I mean nobody is going to be able to escape it.  Here's a sample of what I'm talking about.
I have in my files a 30 page PDF report that deals with this coming crisis.  I'll send it to you for free.  Just join my mailing list and I'll send it right out to you.  If you'd prefer not to join the mailing list that is okay.  Simply send me your request for the free report via e-mail and I'll send it to you via e-mail attachment.  Either way I encourage you to get this report.  It could save your life.
Until then though...
Be safe, be aware and be armed.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ninjutsu Martial Arts Training - Concealing and Carrying Your Weapons for Faster Drawing and Use

The art of Ninjutsu martial arts training is known for its number of weapons. Regardless of whether the weapon is designed to be concealed or not, the Ninja always seems to be able to get his weapon out much faster than his opponent.

In fact, one of the most common questions that I get, from everyday students as well as law enforcement and military professionals is, "what suggestions do you have for carrying my weapons for better concealment and use?"

This article offers a few suggestions - things to think about from a strategic standpoint, that will not only improve your weapons skills, but also get you thinking more like a Ninja about this and other areas of your training!

However, before I share with you some suggestions for carrying and concealing your weapons, I want to discuss a few other considerations first. These considerations will determine what, if any, of my suggestions, you will want to, or in some cases, be allowed to use.

Please note that the following points and questions are NOT limited to students in the law enforcement, security, or military fields. They are just as viable for everyone else. So, don't take them lightly, nor should you immediately assume that I'm "talking about someone else."

Some of the things that need to be considered, before we even begin to talk about how to carry or conceal your weapons are:

1) Are you mandated or required to carry the weapons and equipment that you have? What I mean is, do you have to use specific models and styles, or can you opt for something else instead?

2) Do you have to carry your weapons a certain way, or in a uniform place on your gun belt, tactical gear, etc? This, along with number 1 above, are common problems which police and security officers, and members of the armed services must contend with. Regardless of whether they have a personal preference, for whatever reason - policies and procedures are often in place which requires them to comply with the status quo, and "do it like everyone else."

3) Is there any other reason that you carry the weapon that you do? Reasons that may come to mind, or that may be true for you, might include the fact that, "it's the only one you've got," or "it's your favorite." You must be careful that you have not limited yourself unnecessarily to certain weapons because of "favorites," or because you think that they are the "official" weapon of your style!

Do you understand what I'm getting at?

If you must conform to rules, policies, or specific regulations which dictate how and what you are "allowed" to do; or, if you saddle yourself with self-imposed limitations, then you seriously diminish your ability to be as effective as you possibly can. And...

You can only be as fast or as effective as those conditions and "guidelines" allow you to be!

That being said, here are a few suggestions for carrying and concealing your weapons. Due to the fact that there are countless weapons that could be discussed, and the fact that I don't know what you have, these suggestions are offered in the way of "strategic suggestions," rather than specific instructions.


Here are a few that come to mind off the top of my head as I write this:

1) Think about your build and the size, shape, and design of the weapon you're considering. When thinking about concealing this particular weapon, how can you position it so that it is not evident or obvious that you have it on you?

Remember to insure that your carry and concealment method does not change the way you walk or otherwise carry your body. Regardless of whether someone can see a weapon that you're concealing, doesn't mean that they won't suspect that you have one if you walk or move as if, to them, YOU DO!

2) When thinking about carrying a weapon for quicker access and bringing it into the fight faster, the best thing to think about is how you naturally move. You can also think about what types of situations you are likely to be in when you need to go for the weapon. And then, with this information in mind, carry the weapon "along the natural path" that your hand will be traveling so as to make grabbing and drawing it, as quick and as easy as possible!

3) If possible, also ignore conventional thought, or "the way everyone else does it." If you carry a handgun, whether you're a police officer or just a civilian with a carry permit, avoid carrying your backup magazines (clips) or "speed-loaders" (in the case of a revolver) at the front of your gun belt. I suggest carrying them in a place, and in a way, which allow for your arm to work naturally and quickly for both retrieving the ammunition from it's case, and for getting it into the waiting weapon!

4) Always opt for a smaller, less bulky or less obvious version if one is available. Never knowingly choose to carry and use something that takes more time to draw, get into the fight, or will give away the fact that you have it, when something better is available. Just not very Ninja-like at all!

Of course, each weapon has it's own specifics. The point here is not to do it like I would. But instead, to learn to think like a master warrior so that you can be the most effective, and have the greater advantage, in a hostile, life-threatening situation.

Are you serious about mastering the art of ninjutsu, or just curious about what gives this system its power? Do you want to know what it takes to progress through the levels of self defense mastery in this powerful martial art?

How? By insuring that your training is about strategic application of skill and skill proficiency - not just learning a bunch of "moves"! Get started by reading this valuable ninja training book, "Becoming The Master." Get your free copy at:

Jeffrey Miller is a master-teacher in the centuries-old art of Japan's ancient shadow warrior. Each month he shares his 30+ years of training, research, and knowledge - combined with his years of real-world experience using these teachings on the dangerous streets of our modern world - with literally thousands of students from all over the world. Shidoshi Miller says, "If you really want to learn ninjutsu, and become a master of the Ninja's arts, then I can show you the secrets for developing the power, confidence, and control of a true Ninja warrior!"

Sunday, December 4, 2011

CCW Reciprocity Update For Michigan

Michigan has obtained full reciprocity with every state that has a concealed weapon license law.  This was confirmed by the Michgan Attorney General's Office.  This includes full reciprocity with all 39 states that currently have CCW permit holders.  Michigan is the only state to have ever obtained maximum reciprocity.
The Attorney General reminds all CCW holders in Michigan to follow the respective laws of each state they visit and said that CCW holders from other states were responsible for following Michigan concealed carry regulations while in Michigan.

Concealed Carry - Getting Started

Do you know what lurks around that next corner? I don't either. Have you ever thought of getting a permit to carry a concealed handgun?
On April 16, 2007 a horrific tragedy took place on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. Thirty two students and professors were murdered and many more injured in a senseless act of violence. This forever changed the way that I view the world. My wife and I are both Hokie alumni. We still have close ties with Virginia Tech and the Blacksburg community. It is with this in mind that I write this article.
On that day, my sheltered world became an unrealistic dream of the past. I vowed that day that I would do everything I could to prepare myself for such an event. Of course, I hope never to find myself in a situation where deadly force is a consideration, but, it never hurts to try to prepare yourself.
So, where do you start? For me the first step was to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. I've been a hunter my entire life so I was no stranger to firearms. However, a concealed carry permit was a new ball game. I went to the local gun shop and talked to the staff. They quickly filled me in on the following details:
1. Satisfactory completion of a concealed carry class or a hunter's safety class.

2. Take your Certificate of Completion to the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the locality in which you reside.

3. Fill out the Application for a Concealed Carry Permit

4. Go to the Police Department to get finger printed

5. Wait 30 days for the circuit court judge to approve/deny the permit.
That's it. I was thinking I was going to be interrogated as to my "need" or "desire" for the permit. Nothing could be farther from what happened. Keep in mind that this process ONLY pertains to Virginia. However, I have found that many other states have very similar processes.
I consider myself an "average Joe". I'm fairly laid back and usually light hearted. For me a permit to carry a concealed weapon was a logical first step. For many it's not. If you are unsure I would encourage you to go to your local shooting range and talk to the staff there. They will give you valuable advice and rent you a firearm that will fit your needs. You can shoot as many as you need until you find what works best for you. As a side note, when my wife decided she wanted to go through the process I took her to the range. At the time she had an overwhelming anxiety towards firearms. After the first shot I could see tears welling up in her eyes so I started to pack up and get ready to leave. Much to my surprise, she wanted to stay and keep shooting. Now she shoots better than I do. My hope is that if you do decide to pursue that option you gather as much information as possible. Weigh all the pros and cons and then decide. The decision should not be taken lightly nor should the training and education that goes along with it.
I will be posting additional articles pertaining to carry options, self defense, and non-lethal force. Be well.

Carry Your Concealed Weapon Responsibly Or Else...

You've got your concealed carry permit and now you're able to protect anybody around you, right?
Well, we will just see about that.  Are you really able to protect everyone or are you fooling yourself into believing that you are the next John Wayne?  My guess would be that you're fooling yourself.
Just because you've finished your little CCW class doesn't mean you've really learned much of anything other than where and when you can legally carry your weapon.  What you really need is in-depth, detailed information to expand your knowledge base.

HERE is where you can get it and the cost is reasonable.  It's a short introductory video that you'll find very interesting I'm sure.

And no, we don't make money from this site.  It is just a great and valuable tool that you must use to ensure that you are always up to date with what's going on in the CCW world.

Handguns on Texas Campuses

A bill (Texas SB 354 sponsored by republican Senator Jeff Wentworth) allowing Texas licensed concealed handgun holders (anyone over 21 with a permit to carry a concealed handgun) to carry their weapons into university buildings, including dormitories is currently before the state legislature. It's already legal for permit holders to bring a gun onto campus grounds. More than half of the members of the Texas House of Representatives have co-authored the bill sponsored by Dallas republican Joe Driver. Texas is one of nine states currently considering campus carry; similar bills are advancing in Arizona, Tennessee, Michigan, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Florida, Nebraska and Mississippi.
This is a topic that creates a wealth of emotional opinions on both sides of the issue. News coverage of this normally involves an interview with college students, university leaders and gun owner proponents expressing their opinions. Most of these interviews spend very little time on the facts surrounding concealed carry laws currently in place in various states and crime statistics on college campuses.
Current Concealed Carry Laws in the U.S.
49 states have passed laws allowing citizens to carry certain concealed firearms in public, either without a permit or after obtaining a permit from state or local law enforcement. Thirteen states use a single permit to regulate the practices of both concealed and open carry of a handgun. Alaska, Vermont, Arizona, and Wyoming (as of July 1st, 2011) allow residents to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. There is no federal law addressing this issue, so each state has the ability to construct its own laws concerning concealed weapons carry.
Handgun Laws on Campus
15 "Right-to-Carry" states leave the decision of concealed carry on college campuses to each individual college or university. Utah is currently the only state that allows concealed handguns on all of its public colleges and universities. This law was passed during the fall semester of 2006. Colorado State University campus in Ft. Collins and in Pueblo has allowed licensed carry since 2003. In 2010 fourteen Colorado community colleges began allowing licensed concealed carry on campus. Currently this brings the total to 26 colleges - a combined 71 campuses- that allow carrying of concealed handguns at the time of this writing.
The ambiguity concerning right to carry on a college campus is illustrated by Virginia's law which allows licensed individuals to have a concealed weapon on their person, but revokes this right for students and faculty. As stated by the Virginia Attorney General in opinion No. 05-078, the conclusion which was: "... it is my opinion that the governing boards of Virginia's public colleges and universities may not impose a general prohibition on the carrying of concealed weapons by permitted individuals. Pursuant to specific grants of statutory authority, however, it is my opinion that colleges and universities may regulate the conduct of students and employees to prohibit them from carrying concealed weapons on campus. "
Gun Violence on Concealed Carry Campuses
There have been no reported incidences of gun violence, including suicides, accidental death or discharge or threats involving an individual with a license to carry on any of these particular campuses. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, concealed handgun license holders are significantly less likely to commit violent crime than the general public. These are the two statistics available from TDPS on the 1 in 55 Texans with carry licenses vs. those without:

5 1/2 less likely to commit manslaughter
Four times less likely to commit murder.
Texas concealed carry licensing process is among the most rigorous in the nation. The current laws on carrying a weapon are also very explicit.
It is unlawful for a handgun license holder to carry a handgun on the premises of:

A government court.
A business that derives 51 percent or more of its income from the sale of alcohol for on-premises consumption.
A school or educational institution, high school, collegiate, or professional sporting event or interscholastic event that is taking place.
A hospital or nursing home.
An amusement park.
A place of religious worship.
A polling place on the day of an election.
A meeting of a governing body.
A race track.
A secured area of an airport.
A correctional facility.
A correctional facility or within 1000 feet of such, on the day of an execution.
The property of another after receiving notice that concealed handguns are forbidden on that property.
It is unlawful to possess a firearm in a penal institution.
It is unlawful for a handgun license holder to carry a handgun while intoxicated.
It is unlawful for a handgun license holder to carry a handgun and intentionally fail to conceal the handgun.
Sources:Tex. Penal Code § 46.01 et seq. and Tex. Gov't. Code § 411.171 et seq.
Even though, based on several recent polls, the legislation to remove restrictions on college campuses is opposed by the majority of Texas citizens, university administrators and college students, SB 354 looks like it has a very good chance of passing and statistics and facts will continue to be hard to come by in the debate.

Carrying a Concealed Weapon

For many people, carrying a concealed weapon is one of their most important rights. Self-defense is crucial in many situations and being able to do so legally and effectively is very important. But there is some risk involved in carrying a weapon, no matter the legality of it. Being properly licensed and knowing the regulations that are associated with that license is an important responsibility of every person who carries a concealed weapon.
It is also crucial to know venues and locations in which it is always illegal to be carrying a gun. Each state has specific regulations concerning these locations, but all of them are intended to protect the best interests of every person. Two venues that guns are generally excluded from include most school campuses and large sporting events. In both of these situations, the misfire of a weapon or threatening brandishing of a weapon could cause a great deal of panic. To deal with this threat, carrying a handgun is completely illegal whether a person is properly licensed or not.
Many federal or governmental buildings also have restrictions concerning carrying weapons. Because of the sensitive nature of the operations of some of these buildings, safety is a primary concern. The safety of the people and information in these buildings is a high priority and generally important for public safety. These restrictions often include police stations and other public service stations as well. Carrying a gun on these premises can result in serious charges and consequences.
It is important for every person who carries a concealed weapon to be aware of the regulations of their state.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Handgun Laws

Obtaining a handgun in the State of California is a thorough process that may require weeks or even months to successfully and legally complete. When an individual in California decides to purchase a handgun, he or she should go through the proper channels.
The first step in getting a handgun is obtaining a handgun safety certificate. Some individuals, such as police officers, may be exempt from this stage. Other individuals, though, may need to complete a course and several training session to obtain the certificate.
After completing this requirement, individuals must seek out a licensed California firearms dealer to purchase their weapon of choice. The arms dealer will collect information about the individual, which he or she will use to have a background check performed on the potential buyer.
The background check usually takes 10 days. During these 10 days, the dealer will usually require a monetary deposit from the buyer and will have possession of the handgun until the 10 days period passes. An individual who is found to have a criminal background will not be able to receive the gun at the end of the 10 days.
If the individual does pass the background check, the dealer will deliver the handgun to that individual after the tenth day.
After an individual receives his or her handgun, he or she must obtained a concealed weapons permit to legally carry the gun in public places. The permit does not allow individuals to carry their weapons on private properties, as some private establishments may not allow individuals to bring their concealed weapons on the premises.
Individuals who move to California from other states must register their handguns with their law enforcement agencies within a 60-day period. After this time frame has passed, the individual may face legal ramifications if caught with the weapon.
Unfortunately, sometimes individuals are charged with illegal handgun possession even if they have obtained their weapons through completely legal means.

Safes for Security and Protection

Following a tall spike in 2008, gun sales rose steadily for almost two years. Economic hardships across the board caused declines in purchases of cars, furniture, clothes, and other items, but gun sales saw the opposite reaction. In 2008, they rose 8 to 10 percent, as people began to worry about possible new gun control laws and other changes. In a tough economy, the risks of crime and civil disorder rise, which may also have been a factor in the increasing interest in firearms. People may have felt the need to buy weapons in order to ensure personal safety during times of uncertainty. Despite any action on the part of the Obama administration regarding the 2nd Amendment or gun control, the sales continued to grow.

This trend is not new; in 1994, there was another peak in gun purchases when President Clinton pushed for a ban on military-style rifles. After the tragedy at Virginia Tech, worries about restrictions on handguns led to a run on small guns and concealed gun permits; some states experienced up to a 60 percent increase. However, it's not just the idea of the 2nd Amendment or self-defense that had people stocking up; it's the fact that if a new firearms ban were put in place, their collection would be an investment with rapidly increasing value. During the ban between 1994 and 2004, firearms already in circulation could be resold, so people in possession of the desired items were able to get almost any price. These and other causes meant that many popular gun models were back-ordered for months, even up to a year. Manufacturers plants were operating round the clock, and values have already begun to soar.

For some, investing in ammunition was believed to promise better returns than money markets and CDs, and as much as doubling their investment in a year is hoped for. As opposed to gold and silver, whose value fluctuates, gun enthusiasts promised that firearms will only increase in value.

Today, as the economy starts to look up, the soaring gun sales have slowed down a bit, but are still almost 25 percent higher than they were in 2007 and early 2008. The new purchases are not just being hidden away, either; interest in target shooting and hunting is growing, as are petitions and movements concerning the legality of openly carrying.

If you've been a part of this nation-wide movement, chances are you're in need of some secure storage for your purchases. Guns do not belong in closets or on shelves, but in designated gun safes. Not only do gun safes ensure the safety of your firearms from fire, water, or would-be thieves, but they also protect unwitting family members or house guests from stumbling into a dangerous situation while looking for an extra towel, or perhaps snooping around for Christmas gifts. Your investment in firearms requires the sufficient protection and security found only in gun safes.

There is an incredibly wide range of styles and sizes to choose from, ensuring your complete satisfaction and a perfect fit for you and your home, or even vehicle. Truck vaults are available for gun storage in your SUV, and console vaults that can fit in even more vehicle models. Floor safes provide exceptional protection and security for your valuables while not taking up any room in your house, other than beneath it and the area needed for the top of the vault, which can be covered with a rug or furniture for the ultimate in concealment. Bed safes ensure that no one will be disturbing your safe during the night without you knowing about it, since it's concealed underneath the box springs of your bed.

Everyone knows the main brands of gun safes - Winchester, Browning, etc- and these have definitely earned their good reputations, but there are also other reliable manufacturers out there. One lesser-known but no less deserving of mention is Rhino Safe. Rhino Safes use a revolutionary new lock system with innovative security enhancements. They're also available with a variety of wall thicknesses to protect against grinding and cutting attacks. They have heavy-bodied construction, great fire ratings, and surprisingly low prices. They're definitely worth some time spent exploring the many options offered.

From small handgun safes to truck vaults to large safes that can hold dozens of guns, there is a safe that fits your specifications and will protect you, your family and your valuables.

Ruger SR1911

Ruger SR1911 Now Available

The Ruger SR1911 is now available.  The only problem is that it is selling so fast that gun shops can't seem to keep them in stock.  Why you say?  Well, look at the information below and you'll understand why this is one of the very best 45's on the market today.
ALL THIS FOR UNDER $700.00!  You just can't beat a price like that.
HERE'S A VIDEO REVIEW of  this great weapon.  It's 22 minutes long but worth watching.  This guy really knows what he is doing.

Concealed Firearm Laws in Wisconsin

Just about every state in the United States allows its citizens to carry a concealed firearm if he or she has a permit to do so. Wisconsin is one of the exceptions. Residents of Wisconsin cannot apply for or receive concealed firearm permits because they do not exist.
Though citizens are not allowed to conceal their guns, they still may own them. In that regard, Wisconsin has lax rules. Individuals do not need a license or permit to purchase a gun in Wisconsin, regardless of whether the gun is a shotgun, rifle, or even a handgun.
In addition to Wisconsin citizens being unable to acquire concealed handgun permits, the state does not recognize out of states permits. This means that an individual from another state cannot conceal his or her firearm in public if he or she visits Wisconsin.
Though these permits are valid in other states, they are not valid in Wisconsin. As such, individuals who are caught concealing firearms may be charged with breaking Wisconsin's concealed handgun laws and may have to face trial.
The punishment for concealed guns usually depends on how many times an individual is caught possessing a concealed firearm. For first time offenders, it is a misdemeanor offense that is punishable by a maximum of 9 months in prison and no more than a $10,000 fine.
Multiple offenders may face heavier punishments, including felony charges. Individuals who are charged with breaking this law, regardless of how many times they have done so, may face prison time, so they should hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to handle their cases.

UPDATE:  Michigan CCW holders have now been granted permission to carry concealed in Wisconsin.  We'll have an updated article on this new legislation in the near future.  Be sure to read it and share it with others.  It is very important information.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Concealed Handgun Fanny Pack - The Fanny Pack For Your Gun

Firearms such as handguns should be concealed at all times if you are in a public place even if you are licensed to possess them. But instead of keeping them in your pockets or carrying them with a holster, you can opt to carry them around inside a concealed handgun fanny packs for extra security.

A fanny packs for guns

The fanny pack holster is a small pouch made of fabric that you wear around your waist. It resembles a typical fanny packs but has a hidden compartment for your gun. The concealed handgun fanny pack is a better alternative to shoulder, ankle, and waistband holsters and the ordinary holster as well. Aside from guns, you can also place other items in it like a regular fanny packs including loose change, keys, IDs, etc.

Hide your gun well

Fanny pack holsters come in two styles: the gun compartment and the pouch. The former boasts a gun compartment concealed by a front pouch that is detachable while the latter positions your gun in a convenient and ready position. The pouch lets you pull out your gun easily while the compartment requires you to pull back the pouch to reveal where the gun is before you can pull it out. They are also usually available in dark colors to achieve a discreet or professional look.

The size and material matter

Whichever you are choosing, be sure that the internal holster is big enough to accommodate any type of pistol. A fanny pack holster that is made of fabric should consist of 1200 Denier Nylon for durability and water resistance.

Licensed to own

Take note that the concealed handgun fanny packs is commonly sold to law enforcement officers. If you are a private citizen, you need to have a CCW before you can buy one. Basically, it is illegal to bring along a concealed handgun.

Important information

Complete information on the concealed handgun fanny pack is available PickyGuide, the authority in free consumer advice. Access top-ranked, best-reviewed, and most competitively priced handgun fanny packs in PickyGuide's recommended products

Important buying tips

More information on concealed handgun fanny packs is available in Picky Guide, one of the fastest growing online magazines giving free consumer advice and product information.

Possible Penalties For Carrying an Unlicensed Handgun

Gun laws are one of the mostly hotly contested topics in the legal spectrum today. Each state has their own gun laws, and in fact, many municipalities have laws in addition to those in place by their state. Ostensibly in place to protect the citizens of this country, the furor over gun control issues has often become so heated that it has erupted into violence. While nobody wants to be shot, it is up for grabs whether more or less gun control is needed in order to prevent shootings. Many of the laws are in place to help prevent children from gaining access to guns. Others are in place to prevent violent offenders from getting their hands on a gun. This is why most places require a license in order to carry a handgun.
Not unlike most laws in this country though, there are those that break them. At any given time, there are many, many people carrying unlicensed handguns. Some keep them in their cars, for fear of being carjacked in a bad neighborhood. Some people carry them, as protection from potential muggers. Whatever your reason for packing a gun, if it is unlicensed, there are some very stiff penalties that you could face, should you be caught. Ranging from fines to jail time, each state and again, many municipalities, have enacted laws and accompanying penalties to dissuade citizens from carrying unlicensed guns.
In New York City, the penalty for carrying an unlicensed handgun is jail time. The minimum sentence is 3.5 years, and the maximum sentence is 15. Just for carrying an unlicensed gun. This is not for shooting someone or even just discharging your weapon, this is for carrying it. Florida on the other hand is slightly more lenient. If you are caught carrying an unlicensed, concealed firearm, you are charged with a 3rd degree felony, which carries with it a maximum fine of $5000 and a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison.
If you own a gun, or are considering buying a gun, it is highly advisable that you learn all about the gun control laws in your state and municipality. With laws varying so widely, it is never enough to assume. If you plan to travel form your state with a weapon, it is also imperative that you familiarize yourself with the laws of wherever you may be visiting. The last thing that you would want to do is wind up in jail for 15 years because you were ignorant.

Women Fight Back With Concealed Carry

Here is a product specifically designed for women that carry a concealed weapon.  Take a look

The New Ruger SR40c

The SR40c™ is the compact version of the recoil reducing, striker-fired SR40™ pistol, one of the slimmest and most ergonomic full-sized .40 caliber pistols on the market today.

The SR40c is based on the same high-performance glass-filled nylon frame as those used on the popular SR9®, SR9c™ and SR40 pistols, offering the same, great ergonomic features, including a slim frame, short trigger reach, reversible backstrap, and ambidextrous controls. The SR40c features a through-hardened, stainless steel slide or alloy steel slide with Nitridox Pro Black finish.

Four styles to choose from:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Personal Security Products - A Life Saving Decision

Millions of years of civilization and it seems like crimes will never end. There was a time when society was proud of the technological advancement but today the criminals have better guns and are better equipped than the crime fighters. Where does that leave the common man or woman?
Let us look at some facts, which will throw light upon the crime rate and how much our society is susceptible to crime and violent attacks. The crime index rate in the US is measured Per 100,000 people and it saw a huge jump from 1,887.2 in 1960 to a whopping 5,897.8 in 1991. According to crime reports, the crime rate in 1991 in the US had jumped by 313% since the 1960's.
Although, the figures have come down but the improvement is not good enough. In such a scenario, what can you do as an individual? The answer to this lies in self-defense. There are several forms of self-defense including martial arts and use of pepper spray but the most common and legal forms in US include:

Stun Guns
Pepper Sprays
Expandable Batons
Animal Repellents
Let us take a look at how each of these weapons for self defense can be useful.
Stun Guns
Over a period of time, stun guns have completely evolved and are considered as one of the safest and effective weapons of self defense. It is not only easy to use but it also more discreet and you can conceal it in your handbag as well. A stun gun of today is easily capable of generating around 200,000 volts and even more, which can easily leave a person incapacitated for 30 minutes. The advantage is that you can find different types of stun guns in the market like the stun gun flashlight, cell phone stun gun, stun baton, raptor stun gun, stun pen, small fry mini stun gun, expandable baton, stun stick, and several other variations including a rechargeable stun gun. But the only disadvantage of a stun gun is that you have to be close enough to the attacker to be able to use it.
The stun gun throws an electronic charge at the body of the attacker. Once it is firmly planted on the body, the high voltage low amps charge can easily disable a 6 foot man without causing any serious damage to the attacker. The attacker will feel excruciating pain as their muscles start to spasm and at the same time the level of their blood sugar will be depleted. Basically, it is one of the safest and effective weapons to use against an attacker in a close range.
A Taser is quite similar to the stun gun in more ways than one. This is a weapon that sends an electroshock into the body of the attacker to de-capacitate them. The Taser works on a technology known as Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD), which causes neuromuscular incapacitation or NMI and can be considered responsible for the strong muscle contractions that the attacker feels. The muscle contractions take place due to the involuntary stimulation of motor nerves as well as the sensory nerves. In fact, due to this particular reason, the Taser has become a favorite of law enforcement agencies in the US and other countries as well. It is even preferred over some of the traditional stun guns. The two main models used by law enforcement agencies include the M26 and X26. Both these Tasers are available with different accessories including a mounted digital video camera, which is capable of recording in low light conditions and laser sight.
The Taser works by firing two small darts, which consists of electrodes. The electrodes are connected to the main unit by a thin conductive wire and are propelled through the air with the help of compressed nitrogen charges. Each of the air cartridges consist of a pair of electrodes as well as a propellant that has to be replaced after each shot. Each of the Taser cartridges is available for propelling at different ranges. The maximum range for a Taser cartridge is 10.6 meters or 35 feet and this is available only for law enforcement agencies. If you are planning to buy a Taser then your cartridge will be limited to 4.5 meters or 15 feet.
The good thing about Taser electrodes is that they can penetrate clothing and have a barbed surface so that they can't be removed once they get attached to the skin. The good news is that Tasers can be carried legally without a permit in almost 43 US States although they are still prohibited for use in self defense by citizens in the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Wisconsin.
Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is another very effective method of self defense that women all over the world use against attackers or stalkers. Pepper spray is also called the OC spray as it has been derived from Oleoresin Capsicum. Some of the other common names of the pepper spray include capsicum spray and OC gas. Pepper spray is considered to be a good weapon of self defense because of its lachrymatory qualities. The chemical in the spray irritates the eyes of the attacker and forces them to shut. It also causes pain, tears and temporary blindness and it is important to understand that too much of pepper spray can be lethal as well.
You can find pepper spray in most of the supermarkets and other stores who stock self defense equipments. It is available in canisters and can easily be concealed. It looks almost like a smaller version of a deodorant canister. Off late, due to its increased usage, companies have started offering pepper spray in innovative products like a ring or a cigarette lighter. The smaller it is, the better it can be concealed!
Expandable Batons
Batons have always been used by law enforcement agencies but off late you can use them as well for thwarting any attack by an intruder or stranger. You can find different types of expandable batons in the market including the expandable telescopic baton, which is considered to be an intimidating and powerful weapon of self-defense. There are two reasons for carrying an expandable baton:

It would be a warning to anyone who wants to attack you as the baton can clearly be seen
If someone still chooses to attack you then with the help of the baton you will be able to take them down quickly and efficiently. Some of the different sizes available include 16" expandable telescopic baton, 21" expandable telescopic baton, and 17" expandable telescopic spring baton
Animal Repellents
Animal repellents comprise of different types of chemicals and can be used for self defense against bears, dogs, cats, and other animals. All animals' repellents can be classified in 2 specific categories:

Taste repellent: This type if animal repellent is known as gustatory repellents repel and they taste really bad.
Odor repellent: These animal repellents are also known as olfactory repellents and leave an odor that is disturbing to the animals.
The crux of the matter is that you should always take necessary measures to protect yourself when you are driving, in a crowded place, in a dark alley or in a park. Any of the above weapons of self defense can be your life saving decision!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Trigger Control While Shooting Your Rifle

If you can't control your trigger you'll never be able to accuratley control your shot.  It is as simple as that.
To get the best shot with your rifle you want to have a smooth pull that has no hesitation or jerking action.  To practice you unload the rifle first of all.  Then, after ensuring that the rifle is actually totally unloaded you place the middle part of the first digit of your index finger on the trigger.  Breath in and exhale just slightly.  Before all of your breath has been released hold what remains while squeezing the trigger.

Unless you are shooting from a benchrest that is totally solid you will move slightly as you try to shoot.  That's the main reason you must hold your breath before completing the pull of the trigger.  It works every time you must simply practice practice practice to be as good at shooting as you can possibly be.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Buying Your First Handgun

Preparing to buy your first handgun can be quite daunting. They aren't cheap. New handguns range in price from $250.00 to $2,500.00. And to complicate the matter even further, there are many different manufactures and choices. I tell people in my carry permit course that there are as many different types of handguns as the manufacturers can talk people into buying. What is probably most confusing to someone new to this field is the fact that for every make and model of handgun, there are 3 gun magazine writers telling their readers that their particular brand or caliber or gizmo is the best, and 4 others saying that the gun in question will get the reader killed.

Yesterday I was asked my opinion about Glocks. I said that what I thought didn't matter; it wasn't my money or my safety on the line. My preference does not matter in the decision to buy your gun. My wife likes Glocks; I feel the same about revolvers. Our preferences differ. As long as you know your gun, why you chose it, and it fits your needs, then it's the best gun for you. Now, that being said lets discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the two main types of handguns, semi-automatics and revolvers.

Revolvers are a type of pistol that has a rotating cylinder containing a number of firing chambers. They typically hold 5 or 6 rounds, each held in its own firing chamber. They are generally cheaper to purchase than a semi-automatic, with a new one from a major manufacturer such as Taurus or Rossi being in the neighborhood of $250.00. The major benefits of this type of handgun include:

They are easier to learn to manipulate, because there is generally fewer functions than a typical semi-auto.

They are normally easier for weaker handed persons to operate. This is due to the lack of a slide.

They are generally more reliable.

There is more choice of ammunition.

Revolvers are not as training intensive as a semi-automatic pistol (more about this later).

I prefer revolvers for home defense, as a home protection weapon will be stored loaded for an extended period of time. This is because they have fewer moving parts, which in turns makes them less sensitive to a lack of cleaning and maintenance than semi-automatics. I also recommend them for someone who is not going to train as intensively as recommended because this type of handgun has fewer functions to remember. In order to manipulate a revolver, one only has to operate the trigger and the cylinder release, whereas a semi-automatic pistol generally has a trigger, a magazine release, a slide lock, and at least one safety lever.

Revolvers do have disadvantages, and it is because of these disadvantages that police departments around the county have changed from them to semi-automatics. These disadvantages should be understood if the reader wishes to make a decision; therefore I will list them:

Revolvers are slower to reload than the typical semi-automatic. They are sometimes harder to conceal, due to width of cylinder. Revolvers do not normally hold as many rounds (5-6rds compared to 8 or 10rds in a semi-automatic.

Because a revolver contains separate chambers for each round, to fully load a revolver, the operator must put a round in each chamber (6 actions for 6 rounds). To fully load a semi-automatic the operator has to insert a single magazine into the pistol (one action for multiple rounds).

Semi-Automatic pistols fire a single cartridge each time the trigger is pressed. It automatically extracts the spent casing and prepares to fire another round. A semi-automatic is sometimes called automatic, but the difference is a true automatic can fire multiple rounds per trigger press. This seemingly small difference can cause tens of thousands of dollars in fines and years of time in federal penitentiaries, so be sure to know the difference. A semi-automatic holds its rounds in a single device called a magazine (it is possible to offend some hard-line gun enthusiasts by calling a magazine a clip). This magazine is normally inserted into the grip of the handgun. These handguns are the most popular, and they are that way for many reasons. Some of the most recognized reasons are:

Semi-autos can hold many rounds compared to a revolver. Normally a semi-auto magazine holds 8 to 10rds, but there are magazines capable of holding 15 to 30. They allow faster reloads. Due to popularity, there is a wider choice of accessories such as holsters available. They are easier to conceal due to thinner action than a normal revolver. It is easy to carry spare ammunition via preloaded magazines.

Iyt is because of the amount of rounds easily carried in magazines upon one's body and the amount of rounds in the pistol that caused the semi-automatic to replace the revolver in the arming of our nation's police. What has kept it there is the different features that are possible in a semi-auto. A police force or a private user can decide the type of safety devices or modes of operation that they want in a firearm and buy a brand that has those features. While this is a benefit, it also can become a drawback. The reasons for this are:

They are very training intensive. Before one begins to carry a semi-automatic for self-defense, it is recommended that the user fire 2 or 3 thousand rounds of the type of ammunition they intend to carry in their firearm in order to fully understand the function of their firearm. Semi-autos are more complex. This means more prone to fail. While modern firearms and ammunition can fire thousands of rounds without malfunction, it can and does happen. They are more expensive than a revolver.

Firing them can be harder for people suffering from arthritis or of weaker stature to manipulate slide. This type of handgun is more sensitive to ammunition type. Some types of semi-automatics are more prone to jam with certain types of ammunition, which is another reason it is suggested to train with the type of ammunition you intend to carry.

The semi-auto type of firearm is very well represented in the world of guns. Because of this sales popularity, there are many different functions and characteristics. Comparing this is like comparing pickup trucks to cars. There are many brands of pickups (revolvers), but generally they all are basically the same. In the car (semi-autos) world, they have sedans, sports cars, wagons, convertibles, limousines, economy class, and luxury designs. You can buy a vehicle or a firearm based solely upon an arbitrary reason such as looks, popularity, or what the marketing hype in a gun magazine tells you. You may also buy a tool such as this by deciding your needs and weighing your options.

David is a former U.S. Marine Corps non-commissioned officer, correctional supervisor and firearms instructor for the TN Dept. of Correction. He is presently commissioned as an operations officer for the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. He is also a certified NRA instructor, and holds firearm instructor ratings with the Tennessee Dept of Safety, TN Dept of Commerce and Insurance, TN Department of Corrections, and the State of Utah. His website is

He is also the author of Understanding the USE of Handguns for Self-Defense One of the best books for new shooter, people who are thinking about becoming new shooters, or just about anyone that wants to know about handguns in a no-nonsense, professional, but entertaining and non-stressful way.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Advantages of Carrying Non-Lethal Weapons

Who hasn't, at one time or another, felt insecure or threatened by the possibility of becoming a victim of crime?

Have you ever been caught unawares as you were walking along the street and eyed a suspicious character coming your way? Perhaps you have even gone home and interrupted a burglary in progress. In either of these situations, it is easy to feel helpless and vulnerable.

The best way to be prepared to respond in the case of possible violence is to carry some type of non-lethal self defense weapon such as a stun gun. There are a number of reasons why this choice is preferable to carrying a traditional gun.


First, the cost of purchasing an electroshock weapon is far less than that of a traditional revolver or pistol. A good quality handgun can set you back in the hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars.

Then there is the cost for ammunition - and the ability to keep the weapon loaded, locked and ready.

And lastly, most states require that anyone carrying a weapon also carry an appropriate permit. This, too, requires an outlay of money, not only for the license fees, but perhaps for training classes as well.


A stun gun is more convenient all the way around. For one, you do not need to worry about keeping it out in the open, as is often the case in states that have laws against concealment (of course to be sure you are compliant with applicable laws, always check with your local authority).

A Phazzer or TASER gun weights far less than a bulky handgun. It is generally smaller, too, and of a size that will fit nicely into a purse, laptop case, or backpack. This also makes it easier to reach during an emergency when you need to get your hands on it right away.


Because electroshock guns are non-lethal weapons, they are safer. You needn't worry about the possibility of the criminal taking it from your grip and using it on you with disastrous results. Nor do you need to be concerned with the possibility of killing someone. A stun gun is a great self defense weapon that keeps the owner safe but limits liability.

You do not need to take a self defense course in order to learn how to use a stun gun, either. For the most part, it is point and click.

As you can see, there are many advantages to carrying a personal self defense weapon such as a stun gun over a traditional handgun. When it comes to your safety and security, don't be caught unprepared. Arm yourself with a handy, inexpensive, and effective way to thwart a violent crime today.

Protect yourself by purchasing a non-lethal weapon from Phazzer Technologies. Visit the online store and learn more about this safer way to keep yourself self.

Is Concealed Carry Practical for Self-Defense?

Concealed carry (also known as CCW) allows you to conceal a weapon, usually a handgun, on your person. Many believe this is a logical form of self-defense but is it practical?
Carrying a concealed weapon can be practical if you can handle the weapon, know your local laws, and have a concealed carry permit. More importantly you should be prepared to defend yourself and know other options before you use your handgun.
Understanding the ramifications of carrying a concealed weapon is also important. Handguns may be taken away from you and used against you. If you are not proficient with a handgun you may hurt an innocent bystander or worse, kill them.
Practical self-defense relies on awareness, the tools you have at hand, and your ability to make proper decisions under serious situations. Concealed carry gives you an option other than trying to fend off a would be attacker with martial arts, your keys, or nothing at all.
The downside is, you can become over confident letting your otherwise aware mind take a break. This can lead you into situations where you would have normally been alert and aware. Another downside is the legal issues you may face if in fact you do have to use your weapon for self-defense. In most states deadly force laws are outlined clearly and you should be extremely familiar with your specific states use of deadly force law as well as any law regarding self-defense.
The upside is, you have a serious form of protection that can and will stop an attacker from harming you. You can rest a little easier knowing you have that option available to you.
Finally, carrying a concealed pistol or revolver is a practical way to defend yourself so long as you are prepared and fully understand the responsibility that comes with carrying such a weapon for self-defense.

911 works only after the fact. Here's proof!

This is a video and audio recording of a lady that was able to defend herself because she was armed.

PRO GUN CONTROL - brought to you by The Patriotic Resistance

Gun control works! Ask any violent criminal. They all agree and support gun control. After all, they are CRIMINALS and will ALWAYS have guns, even if they are outlawed. C'mon - Get with the Obama program. Be a good slave and racist to boot. Vote for those who would take away your ability to defend yourself. Bear in mind that the original purpose of gun control was to protect the KKK folks from their victims. And above all, remember - Slaves don't own guns. Free men do. So be a good slave to your messiah, Obama, and give up another one of your rights. It's the 'progressive' thing to do.
When you feel the need to be armed perhaps this short VIDEO will convince you otherwise... Or, maybe NOT.

The Best Sniper Shot Ever

I've seen some awesome sniper shots in my day but this one tops them all.

Concealed Handgun Badges - A Bad Idea

Concealed Carry Permit Badges
There are many websites and magazine advertisements that are selling Metal badges that are designed to be carried along with your State or County issued Concealed Handgun Permit or CCW card. At Colorado Handgun Safety LLC we do not recommend these badges. In our classes we actually discourage our students from buying them.
Carrying a badge along with your card is not a good idea. Most police officers will not be impressed when you flash your badge and CCW permit. There is one ad that states: "This badge may save your life". Nothing could be further from the truth. The only way this badge could save your life is if it stopped a bullet, when you foolishly brandished it.
One needs to ask the question, "Exactly when would I have a need to show this badge?" If you were confronted by a hostile individual and thought maybe showing the badge would get him to back off, you are wrong. By showing the badge, you have just informed the individual that you have a gun. All of the advantage you had is now gone. Showing the badge may in fact make the situation worse. Not only does the bad guy now know that you have a gun, he also may have figured out that you are unwilling or unprepared to use it. At this point he may escalate the aggression and even challenge you to show him your gun. Now what are you going to do?
There should be no reason for the bad guy to know you have a gun unless or until he is looking down the barrel. The ad I mentioned before also has the letter "CHP" on the bottom of the badge. That is supposed to stand for Concealed Handgun Permit. I don't think the California Highway Patrol (CHP) will appreciate their letters on your badge.
Possessing a metal concealed handgun permit badge is unlawful in the state of Utah. There are already too many badges on the street from Private investigators, Security guards and Bail enforcement agents. All these extra badges blur the lines between citizens and police officers. The bottom line is CCW badges are illegal in some states and stupid in all states.

Brandon Kirk
NRA Training Counselor,
NRA Pistol Instructor,
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
Colorado Handgun Safety LLC.

Street Fight To Win

Fighting for your life means you will either go home or go to the morgue or E.R.  I chose going home and so should you.
Here's a way to ensure that you will go home to your family.  Take no prisoners is always the way I have had to fight.  I worked in a prison setting for over 25 years and know exactly what the mind-set of the criminal is and it isn't pretty.
You fight to win not just to survive the moment but to win the fight so well that you'll not be bothered, attacked or fear for your life from the thug that attacked you ever again... guaranteed

Monday, November 21, 2011

Why Women Carry Concealed Weapons In Michigan

One a recent Saturday morning, Debra Robinson, 52, of Macomb Township drove two hours to spend the day learning about and practicing shooting guns.
The married mother of two adult children admits that it was a little intimidating to point and shoot a gun at first. "It's a deadly weapon," she says. "I didn't grow up playing with guns. I'm a quilter."
But Robinson wants to learn to shoot -- for personal protection and for fun.
"Our home was burglarized once while we were at work. The kids are grown up and out of the house. So now I have the luxury of time and I want to learn while I can."
Robinson signed up for the six-hour class almost as soon as she saw a newspaper notice about it. It's a good thing she signed up quickly, because the women-only class reached its maximum number of 25 students well before the deadline. There was a waiting list of women from all over Michigan, who wanted to learn more about guns.
The class is among several offered through the Michigan Department of Natural Resources project, BOW (Becoming an Outdoors Woman), that encourages women to do just that. The response was so great that organizers Tonya Sies, a member of the Linwood-Bay Sportsman's Club, and BOW coordinator Sue Tabor are already planning a second class in March.
The popularity of the class comes as no surprise to people working in the business who've seen growing interest in guns among women in recent years. Experts say women are taking more gun classes, buying and packing pistols and larger firearms, and they're having fun with guns at target ranges and gun sporting events.
In Michigan, there are 60,153 women and 284,034 men with approved permits to carry concealed pistols, according to State Police.
State Police did not have trend data readily available, but national and local people confirm rising interest among women.
"Since 2001, more than 57,000 women have attended our (Women on Target) clinics across the country," says Rachel Parsons, a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association. "And we know anecdotally from our NRA-certified instructors that they're seeing more and more women enrolling in their classes. Gun clubs are now having Ladies Night Out at the range. And shops are carrying more products tailored to women."
When Michigan's law went into effect in 2001 allowing most adults who are not felons to carry a concealed firearm if they have a concealed pistol license (CPL) license, which requires taking a gun education class and other stipulations, the vast majority of those taking classes through the Wayne County Sheriff's Office were men, said Sheriff Benny Napoleon.
"Now the typical class is 40% to 50% female," he says.
Mark Cortis, owner of Wild West Academy in Royal Oak, said "There are still way more men coming in, but we have several women in almost every class now. It used to be husbands bringing their wives or guys are bringing their girlfriends. Now, we get quite a number of women coming in on their own."
Several factors are driving women to the gun range, experts say.
"The first and foremost reason is women no longer want to feel vulnerable," Parsons says. "They want to feel responsible for their own personal safety and the safety of their families. Just by their physical size, the perpetrator is going to be bigger and stronger. A firearm is the great equalizer."
Kathy Jackson, author of "The Cornered Cat" (White Feather Press, $20), a gun safety and information book for women, agrees.
"These days no one expects a knight in shining armor to swoop in and protect you. You have to protect yourself," says Jackson of Chehalis, Wash., who specializes in teaching shooting and safety clinics for women.
Brenda Williams, 45, of Southfield took a CPL class with her niece in October and plans to purchase a gun.
"You hear more and more about home invasions," says Williams, a machine operator at a Livonia tool and die shop. "And certain nights of the week, I come home alone with a young child. I've never been robbed ... but I want to be on the safe side."
While safety may be the initial attraction, many women are finding they enjoy the challenge, power and immediate gratification that come from firing a weapon.
Lori Hardy, 47, of Chesterfield Township got a concealed pistol license about three years ago. "It makes me feel safe," says Hardy, a manager at MotorCity Casino. In addition to carrying a pistol for protection, she often plays sporting games at area ranges -- something she wouldn't have imagined doing three years ago.
"I fell in love with the sport," says Hardy, who along with her boyfriend regularly joins other couples for gun sporting games.
"I never thought I would own a gun -- ever, and my mom is still freaked out about it. But owning a gun is not necessarily about hurting someone; it's an appreciation of the sport."
Amy Denyer-Grey, 40, of Lansing, an events planner, spent a recent Sunday gun-shopping with a friend.
She began learning to shoot more than a year ago. Recently, she took a CPL class and is now in the market for her own firearm.
"I was very anti-gun until about a year and a half ago," she says, trying out pistols at Target Sports in Royal Oak. "I'd never held one until then. Once I held it, I don't know, there was something about the power of the gun in your hand. And I did pretty well from the very first time. When I hit my first bulls-eye, it was incredible. It made me want to do it all over again. And it's a great stress-reliever."
Sies, the organizer of the gun class in Linwood, is such a believer in the value of women learning to use a gun, she encouraged her mother, an aunt and two female cousins to attend.
Sies initially took a CPL class on a whim with her husband three years ago. "He was looking for someone to go with him and I said I'd go."
Now they go to their local gun club about once a week. They play different games, including her favorite -- a game in which various scenarios are set up that require the players to take action to protect themselves. "You might be sitting in a car and you're attacked. You have to go through how to save a loved one or yourself."
She carries a concealed weapon every day now. Why? "For the sense of comfort and being able to care for yourself," she says. "I think it's important that every woman understand guns don't need to be something to be afraid of."

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Your Second Amendment Rights. Hide Your Guns!

**Reprinted from "Off The Grid News.Com"

Ever since the Second Amendment guaranteed Americans the right to bear arms, there has been a palpable tension between gun owners and the government.
After all, the right to bear arms was given, in part, so that the people could overthrow the government if it ever overstepped its bounds and egregiously infringed on the rights and freedoms of its citizens.
If you have not recently read the Bill of Rights, it is well worth your time to review it. It begins with the truths the authors believed were self-evident. For instance, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The remainder (and majority) of the document is a list of crimes and offenses committed by the British government, many of which are being committed by our government today. Among the reasons given for the necessity of "dissolving the political bands" that had tied the colonies to Britain:
  • "For imposing taxes on us without our consent."
  • "For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us" and "for protecting them from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these states."
  • For obstructing trade, perverting justice, and carrying out "the works of death, desolation, and tyranny."
Without the means to defend themselves, the colonists would never have been able to cast off the tyranny of the British government. The Founding Fathers understood this. And so the right to bear arms became an integral part of American culture and a pillar of liberty and freedom.
Yet the right to bear arms has also been a constant threat to power-hungry politicians whose only interest is expanding and solidifying their own power. And so the government has waged a near-constant battle to do away with the Second Amendment. And they continue to seek any reason -- no matter how ridiculous -- to heavily regulate gun ownership and permanently confiscate guns and ammunition from law-abiding citizens.
Thousands of Guns Illegally Confiscated!
One of the most shocking cases of gun confiscation in modern times was carried out in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Mayor Ray Nagin and Police Superintendent Eddie Compass began their campaign to disarm the people when they announced:
No one will be able to be armed. We will take all weapons. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns.
And with these few words two men began an illegal crusade during which thousands of guns were confiscated. At the same time, these two men unleashed one of the biggest crime waves this country has ever seen.
With law-abiding citizens unarmed and a police force too small to maintain law and order, hundreds of criminals looted home and businesses, defaced property, and carried out numerous violent crimes.
After all, the police couldn't be everywhere at once. They were too busy taking people's guns. And the defenseless citizens could do nothing but stand by and watch as the wave of crime swept through the city.
And did you know? The guns that were illegally confiscated were kept locked away for more than three years. It wasn't until the NRA won a lawsuit against the city of New Orleans that the process of returning the guns even began. Which means Ray Nagin and his cronies were just as guilty of theft as the people who stole merchandise from abandoned retail stores!
How to Thumb Your Nose at the Next Government "Gun Grab"
Today, as the screws of tyranny tighten down upon the American people, the threat of widespread gun confiscation grows greater. And it's during times like these when it is critical to stand up for your right to bear arms. One way to do this is to help educate your friends and neighbors by forwarding them emails like this one. United we stand, but divided we fall.
A second less obvious (but more subversive) way to resist the government's illegal gun confiscation is to become an expert at hiding your guns -- so that not even the most seasoned soldiers and hardened criminals can find them.
That's why I want to tell you about an underground best-seller called "Hide Your Guns" by Sam Adams. This guide was written for freedom-loving patriots who truly understand the Second Amendment and want to protect their sacred right to bear arms. As you read this guide you'll discover:
  • How to create impossible-to-detect hiding places for your guns in furniture and common appliances.
  • How to create a gun cache and how to pick a spot to bury it so that it can never be found -- not even with a metal detector. (The only one who will be able to locate it is... you!)
  • What to look for in a gun safe... what it absolutely must have... and where to place it in your home so that it can't be found.
And this is just a taste of what you'll learn. The man who wrote this guide lived through the aftermath of Katrina, and he was able to hide his guns so that Nagin's goons couldn't find them. So he knows what he's talking about. And all his best secrets for hiding your guns are revealed in this important guide.
I strongly recommend you get a copy of Hide Your Guns today. This one simple action will keep your guns safe from confiscation and preserve your right to bear arms -- even if the government starts confiscating guns tomorrow.
There's not a moment to waste. We are just one national emergency away from another government "gun grab." Get a copy of "Hide Your Guns" today... and hide your guns!
-Solutions From Science
P.S. In the year 2000, Democratic Senator Jack Reed introduced Senate Bill 2099. Although the bill never went up for vote, it would have put major restrictions on gun owners. A press release issued by Reed's office said this:
The bill would require registration of all handguns, including those currently in private possession, and would make it a felony for any person to transfer a handgun to another individual without prior law enforcement approval. Background checks would be performed on all primary and secondary transfers of handguns, including retail sales, gun shows, Internet sales and all private sales.
Yet another gun control law -- H.R. 45 -- was introduced nine years later as Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. This bill would have created a federal record-of-sale system for all guns. And it would have required a firearms license to acquire a handgun or semi-automatic gun that accepted a detachable ammunition clip. The firearms license by itself would have required fingerprints, release of mental health records, and a variety of other invasive requirements.
Fortunately, neither S. 2099 nor H.R. 45 gained traction. But with Obama at the helm, it's more likely than ever that gun control laws like the ones above could be reintroduced, voted upon... and passed. In fact, as of May 2011, it was confirmed that the Obama administration was exploring how to use an executive order to implement new gun control policies. And right now, the Bureau of Land Management is seeking to prohibit target practice on more than a million acres of public land in Arizona and Colorado.
It's this gradual assault that continues to chip away at your Second Amendment rights. Don't be caught unprepared. Get a copy of "Hide Your Guns" today so you'll be ready when the next gun control law is put to a vote.