Saturday, November 19, 2011

Your Second Amendment Rights. Hide Your Guns!

**Reprinted from "Off The Grid News.Com"

Ever since the Second Amendment guaranteed Americans the right to bear arms, there has been a palpable tension between gun owners and the government.
After all, the right to bear arms was given, in part, so that the people could overthrow the government if it ever overstepped its bounds and egregiously infringed on the rights and freedoms of its citizens.
If you have not recently read the Bill of Rights, it is well worth your time to review it. It begins with the truths the authors believed were self-evident. For instance, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The remainder (and majority) of the document is a list of crimes and offenses committed by the British government, many of which are being committed by our government today. Among the reasons given for the necessity of "dissolving the political bands" that had tied the colonies to Britain:
  • "For imposing taxes on us without our consent."
  • "For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us" and "for protecting them from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these states."
  • For obstructing trade, perverting justice, and carrying out "the works of death, desolation, and tyranny."
Without the means to defend themselves, the colonists would never have been able to cast off the tyranny of the British government. The Founding Fathers understood this. And so the right to bear arms became an integral part of American culture and a pillar of liberty and freedom.
Yet the right to bear arms has also been a constant threat to power-hungry politicians whose only interest is expanding and solidifying their own power. And so the government has waged a near-constant battle to do away with the Second Amendment. And they continue to seek any reason -- no matter how ridiculous -- to heavily regulate gun ownership and permanently confiscate guns and ammunition from law-abiding citizens.
Thousands of Guns Illegally Confiscated!
One of the most shocking cases of gun confiscation in modern times was carried out in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Mayor Ray Nagin and Police Superintendent Eddie Compass began their campaign to disarm the people when they announced:
No one will be able to be armed. We will take all weapons. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns.
And with these few words two men began an illegal crusade during which thousands of guns were confiscated. At the same time, these two men unleashed one of the biggest crime waves this country has ever seen.
With law-abiding citizens unarmed and a police force too small to maintain law and order, hundreds of criminals looted home and businesses, defaced property, and carried out numerous violent crimes.
After all, the police couldn't be everywhere at once. They were too busy taking people's guns. And the defenseless citizens could do nothing but stand by and watch as the wave of crime swept through the city.
And did you know? The guns that were illegally confiscated were kept locked away for more than three years. It wasn't until the NRA won a lawsuit against the city of New Orleans that the process of returning the guns even began. Which means Ray Nagin and his cronies were just as guilty of theft as the people who stole merchandise from abandoned retail stores!
How to Thumb Your Nose at the Next Government "Gun Grab"
Today, as the screws of tyranny tighten down upon the American people, the threat of widespread gun confiscation grows greater. And it's during times like these when it is critical to stand up for your right to bear arms. One way to do this is to help educate your friends and neighbors by forwarding them emails like this one. United we stand, but divided we fall.
A second less obvious (but more subversive) way to resist the government's illegal gun confiscation is to become an expert at hiding your guns -- so that not even the most seasoned soldiers and hardened criminals can find them.
That's why I want to tell you about an underground best-seller called "Hide Your Guns" by Sam Adams. This guide was written for freedom-loving patriots who truly understand the Second Amendment and want to protect their sacred right to bear arms. As you read this guide you'll discover:
  • How to create impossible-to-detect hiding places for your guns in furniture and common appliances.
  • How to create a gun cache and how to pick a spot to bury it so that it can never be found -- not even with a metal detector. (The only one who will be able to locate it is... you!)
  • What to look for in a gun safe... what it absolutely must have... and where to place it in your home so that it can't be found.
And this is just a taste of what you'll learn. The man who wrote this guide lived through the aftermath of Katrina, and he was able to hide his guns so that Nagin's goons couldn't find them. So he knows what he's talking about. And all his best secrets for hiding your guns are revealed in this important guide.
I strongly recommend you get a copy of Hide Your Guns today. This one simple action will keep your guns safe from confiscation and preserve your right to bear arms -- even if the government starts confiscating guns tomorrow.
There's not a moment to waste. We are just one national emergency away from another government "gun grab." Get a copy of "Hide Your Guns" today... and hide your guns!
-Solutions From Science
P.S. In the year 2000, Democratic Senator Jack Reed introduced Senate Bill 2099. Although the bill never went up for vote, it would have put major restrictions on gun owners. A press release issued by Reed's office said this:
The bill would require registration of all handguns, including those currently in private possession, and would make it a felony for any person to transfer a handgun to another individual without prior law enforcement approval. Background checks would be performed on all primary and secondary transfers of handguns, including retail sales, gun shows, Internet sales and all private sales.
Yet another gun control law -- H.R. 45 -- was introduced nine years later as Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. This bill would have created a federal record-of-sale system for all guns. And it would have required a firearms license to acquire a handgun or semi-automatic gun that accepted a detachable ammunition clip. The firearms license by itself would have required fingerprints, release of mental health records, and a variety of other invasive requirements.
Fortunately, neither S. 2099 nor H.R. 45 gained traction. But with Obama at the helm, it's more likely than ever that gun control laws like the ones above could be reintroduced, voted upon... and passed. In fact, as of May 2011, it was confirmed that the Obama administration was exploring how to use an executive order to implement new gun control policies. And right now, the Bureau of Land Management is seeking to prohibit target practice on more than a million acres of public land in Arizona and Colorado.
It's this gradual assault that continues to chip away at your Second Amendment rights. Don't be caught unprepared. Get a copy of "Hide Your Guns" today so you'll be ready when the next gun control law is put to a vote.

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