Sunday, July 3, 2016

Open Carry Should NOT be an option...Unless you do this first

If you own a gun, then make sure you know how to use it really, really, really well. Seriously... get some training because you still don’t know how to record stuff with your DVR. Go to the gun range and shoot the thing a lot. Learn how to clean it properly and be able to disassemble it and reassemble it with your eyes closed. It’s a freaking gun and it deserves that level of care, proficiency and respect.
What concerns me most about the new "open carry" option people seem to want is that many people won't train with there weapon of choice. They'll just carry thinking they're cool and protected when in fact all they are doing is painting a target on their backs that says "shoot me first." Really dumb thing to do. Carry concealed and keep it that way. Know what you're doing so nobody gets hurt when you actually have to produce it to stop someone's aggressive actions toward you. If you can't practice then don't carry.

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