Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Our Southern Borders

It really is frustrating that our borders are so open.  We watch as hundreds and even thousands of illegal aliens pour across the borders each year.  And now, to top it all off, our illustrious President is planning to open the borders even more and allow children to enter our country without their parents, with no money, with no papers etc. etc. etc.  All we can do is sit back and watch as this breach of the law continues right under our noses and quite simply there's nothing we can do...Or is there?

Yes, in fact there is something we can do.  VOTE!  Tis the season folks and even voting in your local community for local people on school boards, city counsels etc. makes a difference.  Please exercise your right and VOTE.  If you don't, well, don't come crying when your schools become overcrowded and the social security payment you thought you would have when you retire is no longer available.

Just Sayin'

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