Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is Concealed Carry Practical for Self-Defense?

Concealed carry (also known as CCW) allows you to conceal a weapon, usually a handgun, on your person. Many believe this is a logical form of self-defense but is it practical?
Carrying a concealed weapon can be practical if you can handle the weapon, know your local laws, and have a concealed carry permit. More importantly you should be prepared to defend yourself and know other options before you use your handgun.
Understanding the ramifications of carrying a concealed weapon is also important. Handguns may be taken away from you and used against you. If you are not proficient with a handgun you may hurt an innocent bystander or worse, kill them.
Practical self-defense relies on awareness, the tools you have at hand, and your ability to make proper decisions under serious situations. Concealed carry gives you an option other than trying to fend off a would be attacker with martial arts, your keys, or nothing at all.
The downside is, you can become over confident letting your otherwise aware mind take a break. This can lead you into situations where you would have normally been alert and aware. Another downside is the legal issues you may face if in fact you do have to use your weapon for self-defense. In most states deadly force laws are outlined clearly and you should be extremely familiar with your specific states use of deadly force law as well as any law regarding self-defense.
The upside is, you have a serious form of protection that can and will stop an attacker from harming you. You can rest a little easier knowing you have that option available to you.
Finally, carrying a concealed pistol or revolver is a practical way to defend yourself so long as you are prepared and fully understand the responsibility that comes with carrying such a weapon for self-defense.

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