Wow, Ruger has done it again. They're offering a fantastic addition to their 10/22 line of rifles. This one is selling so fast that they can't keep them in stock. And that is the way it should be for such a great little rifle.
With all the fears of social breakdown looming just over the horizon many people have decided that being able to shoot well, shoot often and shoot inexpensively is the only available option. Larger calibers are simply too expensive to shoot anymore and unless you're willing to sacrifice a few meals a month to buy ammunition it is best to just down-grade to a lesser caliber and become proficient with it.
Check out Ruger's web-site for this great new rifle and see what you think. I was very impressed with it when I shot it and am sure you will be also.
Oh, before I forget, you can now also get 25 round magazines for this rifle. Best of all they still operate on the revolving cylinder just as the original magazine does for the 10/22. Now just how great is that?!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Bug Out Bags There's The Best And Then The Rest
Everybody always asks me what I carry in my bug-out bag. It is a difficult question to answer as I change up what is in it based on circumstances I run across as time goes on. So, rather than tell you what is in my bag I contacted one of my friends to tell you what should and/or shouldn't be in your bag and how to determine what might be best for you.
Here's a video he has done that I think will help you out. I hope you enjoy it and take some of the things he has to say to heart as you prepare to survive.
Here's a video he has done that I think will help you out. I hope you enjoy it and take some of the things he has to say to heart as you prepare to survive.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Survival Mode Battery Hack DIY
If/When you find that you've run out of battery power in your AA battery appliance you might want to consider having extras on hand to replenish your power needs. Well, as we all know, batteries are expensive and don't last nearly as long as we'd prefer. So to solve that little problem I'm introducing here a little known but very useful hint for you to use. It gives you a large supply of AA batteries for under $5.00 and that's a whole lot better than the $5.00 they want in the stores for only 4 batteries. This way you will get 32 batteries!
Here's the video link that explains how to do this. I hope you find it useful.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
This is AWESOME! I've just discovered a radio channel that specifically deals with the American Armed Citizen. It has archives you can listen to, download and enjoy any time you chose.
You should without a doubt in my mind go to THIS SITE, bookmark it and like it/share it on your Facebook page.
Stand behind your freedom and your right to carry a concealed weapon by supporting this great station and the people at Armed American Radio.
Here's one of their podcasts that I thought you'd enjoy. Just copy and paste it into your browser to listen to it.
You should without a doubt in my mind go to THIS SITE, bookmark it and like it/share it on your Facebook page.
Stand behind your freedom and your right to carry a concealed weapon by supporting this great station and the people at Armed American Radio.
Here's one of their podcasts that I thought you'd enjoy. Just copy and paste it into your browser to listen to it.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
13 Politically Incorrect Gun Rules For Conservatives
Follow these helpful tips and live.

1. Guns have only two enemies: rust and politicians.
2. It’s always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
3. Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.
4. Never let someone or something that threatens you get inside arms length.
6. The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes; the response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second.
7. The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win – cheat if necessary.
8. Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets . . . You may get killed with your own gun, but he’ll have to beat you to death with it, because it’ll be empty.
9. If you’re in a gunfight:
- If you’re not shooting, you should be loading.
- If you’re not loading, you should be moving.
- If you’re not moving, you’re dead.
11. If you carry a gun, people call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you have a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?
12. You can say ‘stop’ or ‘alto’ or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much a universal language.
13. You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Arizona Deputy Sheriff's Application Process
Sometimes you have to put a little humor in your life just to make it bearable. Here's your little laugh for today. I hope you enjoy it.
Subject: Arizona Sheriff's Department Interview
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
This Chick Is Packin' GunChick Jan Morgan Talks Women & Guns (Ep 26)
A second amendment discussion by women. Very well done and worth
watching all the way through.
What do you think about this? Leave a comment below and express your
well-thought-out opinion.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Ghost Belt Holster Review
I found this holster most interesting. Watch the video and see
what you think.
Here's what the manufacturer says about this holster.
And, Here Is The Link for their web-site.
Ghost Belt Conceal and Carry Gun Belt
The GHOST -The Revolutionary New Conceal and Carry Gun Belt Holster! The GHOST allows you to Wear Clothing of Your Choice with Complete Freedom of Body Movement, Safety and Comfort for Both Male and Female Users! This Unique Design allows One Holster to accommodate multiple weapons. The GHOST has an expandable pouch that conceals your weapon of choice, and another pouch for your extra magazine, speed loaders, phone, ID, keys, etc. Snuggling the gun to your waist and hip helps distribute the weight of the gun and makes it feel much lighter. It places it in the position You deem is easily and quickly accessible. You decide where Your weapon is placed to Your Best Advantage. No other Product, Holster, Gun Carrier or Clip Holder is as Comfortable or Accessible.
Go to their web-site for further details such as pricing and ordering information:
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Mouse Guns And The Effective Use Of Them In A Self-Defense Situation
1. .22, .25, and .32 caliber pocket-type weapons do have a niche, albeit a small one.
2. Most people do not truly understand their limited application and therefore the guns are, or can be, misused.
3. I consider guns of this type as contact weapons more than true combat pistols.
4. The only target that should be considered is the face/head area and at arms length. Honestly, I always assumed if I ever had to use mine, it would be tucked under my assailant’s ear or chin, more of a knife that goes band.
5. Use the hottest and finest ammo you can get, as you need every edge you can with the diminutive calibers.
6. Small caliber hide-out guns need to be absolutely reliable (as do all weapons). By the time these tools of last resort are deployed it is already too late for any malfunction corrections and they’re too light to use as a sap.
7. Do I advocate their usage? No, certainly not nonetheless, if it is all you have at least have some idea of how to use it and what to expect from its use.
8. .22’s, .25’s, and .32’s are effective killing rounds, as are any firearm cartridges, but they are not so-called stopping rounds. You may very well be dead before your attacker.
So-called mouse guns ARE killers, they're NOT stoppers...that's where the confusion lies and, truth be known, no handgun is a true "stopper".
2. Most people do not truly understand their limited application and therefore the guns are, or can be, misused.
3. I consider guns of this type as contact weapons more than true combat pistols.
4. The only target that should be considered is the face/head area and at arms length. Honestly, I always assumed if I ever had to use mine, it would be tucked under my assailant’s ear or chin, more of a knife that goes band.
5. Use the hottest and finest ammo you can get, as you need every edge you can with the diminutive calibers.
6. Small caliber hide-out guns need to be absolutely reliable (as do all weapons). By the time these tools of last resort are deployed it is already too late for any malfunction corrections and they’re too light to use as a sap.
7. Do I advocate their usage? No, certainly not nonetheless, if it is all you have at least have some idea of how to use it and what to expect from its use.
8. .22’s, .25’s, and .32’s are effective killing rounds, as are any firearm cartridges, but they are not so-called stopping rounds. You may very well be dead before your attacker.
So-called mouse guns ARE killers, they're NOT stoppers...that's where the confusion lies and, truth be known, no handgun is a true "stopper".
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Basic Fire Building Skills
You choose your favorite rifle with its leather sling, strap on your 9mm and holster for just-in-case and head out into the wilderness. As the sun fades, you may find the need to build a fire for warmth or to boil drinking water and yes to cook that rabbit you killed, or even signal someone to rescue you. If you require fire for survival you will need to take great precaution in the size of your fire. It would not be a good thing to burn down forest or destroy property. In this article you will learn: 1. The basic philosophy of fire. 2. Selecting a site to build a survival fire. 3. Material to use. 4. How to build a fire. 5. How to light it.
When considering building a fire you have to make sure the site where you build is suitable for small and large fires. So, before you build think about:
The area in which you are to build.
The materials you plan to use to build a fire.
How much time you have to get the fire built.
Why you need to even have a fire.
Throw your rifle sling over your shoulder and scout around looking for a dry spot that:
Is protected from the wind
Down wind from your shelter
Will give you the best heat.
Has a supply of fuel (wood) readily available.
If there is a lot of brush or leaves in the area where you are planning to build a fire, scrape a place at least 1 yard in diameter all the way to the dirt surface lessening the chance of the fire spreading. If you have enough time, build a small rock wall in a circle around the area. Build it slightly higher on the opposite side you want the heat to flow. This will also hinder sparks from freely flying by cutting down the wind on your fire.
You will need three substances to build a fire: tinder, kindling, and fuel. Tinder is something dry that requires very little heat to catch. It should only take a spark to light tinder. It must be absolutely dry. If you have a piece of charred cloth, it will work the best because it holds a spark the longest so you can add kindling to it to start a small fire. You can make charred cloth by heating it till it turns black but without burning. Once black, keep it completely dry so as to not absorb any moisture. You can make up some charred cloth in advance of any outdoor excursion.
Kindling burns easily and is effortlessly applied to tinder that is burning. This, as well as the tinder, must be totally dry so that it burns readily. The purpose of kindling is to create a hotter fire so it can burn fuel which is not so easily ignited. Fuel is material that requires more heat to burn and stay burning for long periods of time. Wood shavings and leaves are very good kindling.
There are several techniques to build a fire but the easiest is the teepee. To make a teepee you need to assemble the tinder, kindling and fuel in the shape of a teepee or a cone. Then light the tinder at the center of the bottom of the teepee. As the fuel ignites and burns the fuel will fall toward the center thereby adding fuel to the fire as it burns.
Be sure you light your fire from the upwind side so as not to burn yourself while lighting. There are several types of starters. If you use matches, make sure you purchase the waterproof variety as well as a water tight container for storage. Assuming you have matches to do this, apply the match to the tinder and let it burn to ignite the kindling and then the fuel.
Remember fire can be your friend or enemy. As a friend it can save your life; as an enemy it can take your life. Be careful and have fun in the wilderness.
When learning how to build a fire it's helpful to have a basic understanding of what fire really is. Fuel does not burn directly, heat needs to be applied to the fuel to cause it to emit gasses when mixed with oxygen will burn. The fire triangle is very important in understanding how fire operates and how to maintain its use. There are three sides to the fire triangle: heat, air and fuel. If any of these three elements are removed, a fire cannot exist. Conversely to build a fire one must use the appropriate mixtures of the fire triangle.SELECTING A SITE FOR A FIRE
When considering building a fire you have to make sure the site where you build is suitable for small and large fires. So, before you build think about:
The area in which you are to build.
The materials you plan to use to build a fire.
How much time you have to get the fire built.
Why you need to even have a fire.
Throw your rifle sling over your shoulder and scout around looking for a dry spot that:
Is protected from the wind
Down wind from your shelter
Will give you the best heat.
Has a supply of fuel (wood) readily available.
If there is a lot of brush or leaves in the area where you are planning to build a fire, scrape a place at least 1 yard in diameter all the way to the dirt surface lessening the chance of the fire spreading. If you have enough time, build a small rock wall in a circle around the area. Build it slightly higher on the opposite side you want the heat to flow. This will also hinder sparks from freely flying by cutting down the wind on your fire.
You will need three substances to build a fire: tinder, kindling, and fuel. Tinder is something dry that requires very little heat to catch. It should only take a spark to light tinder. It must be absolutely dry. If you have a piece of charred cloth, it will work the best because it holds a spark the longest so you can add kindling to it to start a small fire. You can make charred cloth by heating it till it turns black but without burning. Once black, keep it completely dry so as to not absorb any moisture. You can make up some charred cloth in advance of any outdoor excursion.
Kindling burns easily and is effortlessly applied to tinder that is burning. This, as well as the tinder, must be totally dry so that it burns readily. The purpose of kindling is to create a hotter fire so it can burn fuel which is not so easily ignited. Fuel is material that requires more heat to burn and stay burning for long periods of time. Wood shavings and leaves are very good kindling.
There are several techniques to build a fire but the easiest is the teepee. To make a teepee you need to assemble the tinder, kindling and fuel in the shape of a teepee or a cone. Then light the tinder at the center of the bottom of the teepee. As the fuel ignites and burns the fuel will fall toward the center thereby adding fuel to the fire as it burns.
Be sure you light your fire from the upwind side so as not to burn yourself while lighting. There are several types of starters. If you use matches, make sure you purchase the waterproof variety as well as a water tight container for storage. Assuming you have matches to do this, apply the match to the tinder and let it burn to ignite the kindling and then the fuel.
Remember fire can be your friend or enemy. As a friend it can save your life; as an enemy it can take your life. Be careful and have fun in the wilderness.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
"Sometimes You Have To Die For Something I Believe In".. Really?
Here's an interesting little video that is obviously produced by liberals in the world. It discusses why they believe that all guns should be banned and the logic behind it. If it wasn't so ridiculous it would almost be funny.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Ruger SR22 Compact Pistol That Is Affordable To Shoot
I've always thought that it would be great if the weapon you carry on a daily basis had a model which operated with the same functions as what you're carrying. Well, Ruger must have heard me because they just introduced the new Ruger SR22. This great pistol now allows you to practice shooting with ammunition that won't break the bank while having the same characteristics as what I carry (the Ruger SR9c 9mm pistol.
Here's the information that will help you make the decision to buy one of these sweet weapons. For a cost of less than $400.00 you can't go wrong. Compare this with Colt's newest 1911-22 at around $600.00 and you see exactly what a great deal the Ruger SR22 is.
Ruger Introduces New SR22 Pistol
January 02, 2012
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is proud to announce the new Ruger® SR22™ pistol, the do-it-all .22 pistol for the shooter who appreciates style and demands reliability. The SR22 is a rugged, scaled-down version of a full-sized pistol, perfect for plinking, target shooting and small game hunting. The lightweight SR22 has modern styling and is fun to shoot while using inexpensive rimfire ammunition.
"Ruger has built a solid reputation for excellence in rimfire pistols with the Mark III™ and 22/45™ product families, and the new SR22 will contribute positively to that reputation," said Chris Killoy, Ruger Vice President of Sales and Marketing. "This pistol is feature-packed and an incredible value - consumers won't find a similar product with everything the SR22 offers at a comparable price. It functions with all types of .22 LR ammunition for extreme reliability; once rimfire enthusiasts pick it up, they won't want to put it down," he concluded.
The SR22 has light double-action and crisp single-action trigger pulls. Its external hammer is designed with a rounded spur for easy cocking and single-action shooting. The SR22 features a polymer frame and two interchangeable (no tools required) rubberized grips with angled serrations, allowing shooters to select either a slim or wider palm swell option. The aerospace-grade aluminum slide has serrations on both front and rear for better grip and slide manipulation. The easy-to-use underside Picatinny rail features multiple cross slots for variable mounting of most popular accessories.
The 3-dot sight system has a fixed front sight and a rear sight that is adjustable for both windage and elevation. A reversible blade allows shooters to select two white dots or a solid black blade. Other SR22 features include a stainless steel replaceable barrel, an ambidextrous manual thumb safety/decocking lever, ambidextrous magazine release, plus a visual inspection port to determine the load status of the pistol. The SR22 includes two finger grip extension floorplates that can be added to the magazine for comfort and grip. Each SR22 is also shipped with two 10-round magazines and a soft case.
Here's the information that will help you make the decision to buy one of these sweet weapons. For a cost of less than $400.00 you can't go wrong. Compare this with Colt's newest 1911-22 at around $600.00 and you see exactly what a great deal the Ruger SR22 is.
Ruger Introduces New SR22 Pistol
January 02, 2012
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is proud to announce the new Ruger® SR22™ pistol, the do-it-all .22 pistol for the shooter who appreciates style and demands reliability. The SR22 is a rugged, scaled-down version of a full-sized pistol, perfect for plinking, target shooting and small game hunting. The lightweight SR22 has modern styling and is fun to shoot while using inexpensive rimfire ammunition.
"Ruger has built a solid reputation for excellence in rimfire pistols with the Mark III™ and 22/45™ product families, and the new SR22 will contribute positively to that reputation," said Chris Killoy, Ruger Vice President of Sales and Marketing. "This pistol is feature-packed and an incredible value - consumers won't find a similar product with everything the SR22 offers at a comparable price. It functions with all types of .22 LR ammunition for extreme reliability; once rimfire enthusiasts pick it up, they won't want to put it down," he concluded.
The SR22 has light double-action and crisp single-action trigger pulls. Its external hammer is designed with a rounded spur for easy cocking and single-action shooting. The SR22 features a polymer frame and two interchangeable (no tools required) rubberized grips with angled serrations, allowing shooters to select either a slim or wider palm swell option. The aerospace-grade aluminum slide has serrations on both front and rear for better grip and slide manipulation. The easy-to-use underside Picatinny rail features multiple cross slots for variable mounting of most popular accessories.
The 3-dot sight system has a fixed front sight and a rear sight that is adjustable for both windage and elevation. A reversible blade allows shooters to select two white dots or a solid black blade. Other SR22 features include a stainless steel replaceable barrel, an ambidextrous manual thumb safety/decocking lever, ambidextrous magazine release, plus a visual inspection port to determine the load status of the pistol. The SR22 includes two finger grip extension floorplates that can be added to the magazine for comfort and grip. Each SR22 is also shipped with two 10-round magazines and a soft case.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Martial Arts Is Dead and So Are You If You Don't Learn To Survive
Anything less than stopping an attack immediately is not acceptable. Listen to this radio broadcast on Voice America
Hear what works and what doesn't as it relates to your own personal safety.
On The Radio with Dr. Robert Rey
Thursday at 2 PM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Variety Channel
On the Radio with Dr. Rey is a call-in health talk show that brings you the latest information in the world of health and wellness from traditional and holistic perspectives.
Your host, Dr. Robert Rey, MD, is not only Beverly Hills’ most famous plastic surgeon but he is also a medical doctor that believes surgery and medicine should always be a last resort. Blending Brazilian flair, Hollywood Style and a Harvard Medical background, Dr. Rey tells it like no one has before with help from his co-host Natalie Day!
Featured segments include discussions on how to get your dream body through diet and exercise, “Dr Rey’s Home Cures”; the “No-Sweat Workout with Dr. Rey”, “Motivational Minutes” with live callers as well as Dr. Rey’s private discussions with some of Hollywood’s hottest celebrities. Listen every Thursday at 2 PM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.
Your host, Dr. Robert Rey, MD, is not only Beverly Hills’ most famous plastic surgeon but he is also a medical doctor that believes surgery and medicine should always be a last resort. Blending Brazilian flair, Hollywood Style and a Harvard Medical background, Dr. Rey tells it like no one has before with help from his co-host Natalie Day!
Featured segments include discussions on how to get your dream body through diet and exercise, “Dr Rey’s Home Cures”; the “No-Sweat Workout with Dr. Rey”, “Motivational Minutes” with live callers as well as Dr. Rey’s private discussions with some of Hollywood’s hottest celebrities. Listen every Thursday at 2 PM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.
Nutinfancy Gun Tests. He's done it again WATCH THIS VIDEO NOW
This guy really knows what he's talking about. Yes, the videos are a little long but I assure you they are well worth taking the time to watch.
Click this link to watch the video
This guy really knows what he's talking about. Yes, the videos are a little long but I assure you they are well worth taking the time to watch.
Click this link to watch the video
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
How Many Guns Is too Many? How Many Guns Is Too Few?
Here's a great little book I found on
How Many Guns Is Too Many?
How Many Guns Is Too Few.
Take a look at it and see what you think.
How Many Guns Is Too Many?
How Many Guns Is Too Few.
Take a look at it and see what you think.
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